Al-Karbala Scans is a dedicated section where the Al-Karbala team is working tirelessly to collect and compile scanned pages of hadiths from various books. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the individuals who have put in their efforts to upload these scans and continue to do so.

Hadith Scan

Hadith Scan

السرائر: من *جامع البزنطي*، عن الرضا عليه السلام قال: علينا إلقاء الأصول إليكم وعليكم التفرع.

Al-Sara'ir: From Jami' al-Bazanti, from Al-Ridha (peace be upon him), who said: "It is upon us to convey the principles to you, and upon you to derive the branches."

السرائر (54): من جامع البزنطي، عن هشام بن سالم، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إنما علينا أن نلقي إليكم الأصول وعليكم أن تفرعوا.

Al-Sara'ir (54): From Jami' al-Bazanti, from Hisham ibn Salim, from Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him), who said: "It is only upon us to convey the principles to you, and upon you to derive the branches."

بيان: يدل على جواز استنباط الأحكام من العمومات.

Explanation: This indicates the permissibility of deriving rulings from general principles.

Bihar al-Anwar - Allama Baqir Majlisi - Vol. 2 - Page 245.