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"Loyalty to the Rope of Truth"

"He who claims being one of our Shia while adhering to the rope of others has lied."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar -e- Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Sifat Al-Shia

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/4/1

Posted By: lafzehaya@alkarbala.org

People are of Three Kinds

"A slave of Abu Al-Hassan (عليه السلام) has said, ‘In the presence of Abu Al-Hassan Al-Musa (عليه السلام) was a man from Quraysh, who went on to mention the Quraysh and the Arabs. Abu Al-Hassan (عليه السلام) said during that: “Leave that! These people are three (types) – Arabs, and ‘Mawālī’ friends and faithless. So we (عليه السلام) are the Arabs, and our (عليه السلام) Shiites are the friends, and the one who is not upon the like of what we are on, so he is faithless.” So the Qurayshi said, ’O Abu Al-Hassan (عليه السلام)! You are saying this, so where are the prided ones of Quraysh and the Arabs?’ So Abu Al-Hassan (عليه السلام) said: ‘It is how I (عليه السلام) have said it to you.’

Narrated by: Imam Musa Kazim (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 287.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

The plague to religion

Jealousy, self-admiration, and exhibitionism plague the religion.

Narrated by: Imam jafar ibn muhammad(as)

Reference: Alkafi, vol 2, P307, H5

Referred Link: http://shiaonlinelibrary.com/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D8%AA%D8%A8/1123_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D9%8A%D8%AE-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%8A-%D8%AC-%D9%A2/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D8%A9_307

Posted By: Ammar al ashtari

"The Pillars of Faith: The Importance of Taqiyah and Piety"

The religion of those who deny taqiyah is null and the faith of those who lack piety is null, too.

Narrated by: Imam Jafar bin Mohammad as-Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Sifat Al-Shia

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/3/1

Posted By: lafzehaya@alkarbala.org

The Eternal Promise: Allah's Mercy to the Ummah of Muhammad (SAW)

Sahl b. Sa’d al-Ansari who said: “I asked the meaning of this verse Wa maa kunta bijaanibit’ t’oori idh naadainaa from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.).” The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, “Two thousand years before the creation of man, the Almighty Allah wrote this verse on a dry leaf and hung it in the heaven and then gave a call, ‘O Ummah of Muhammad! My mercy precedes My anger. I grant you before you ask. I forgive you before you repent. If one of you meets Me and bears witness that there is no Lord except Me and that Muhammad is My servant and messenger, I will make him enter Paradise through My mercy’.”

Narrated by: Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (SAW)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of bearing witness to the Oneness of Almighty God and prophethood of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Hadith #2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/16/2

Posted By: Mazhar_Ali

The Chain of Divine Command: Holding Firm to the Prophet and His Family

on the authority of Muhammad ibn Bishr al-Hamdani that: I heard Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah say The Command of the Faithful (AS) related to me: “The Messenger of Allah (SA) will take hold of Allah’s Waistband [hujzah]. We will take hold of the Prophet’s Waistband, and our Shiites will take hold of our Waistband.” I asked, “O Commander of the Faithful, what is the Waistband.” He answered, “Allah is greater than being characterized with a waistband or other than that. However, the Messenger of Allah (SA) will take hold of Allah’s Affair [amr]. We will take hold of the Prophet’s Affair, and our followers [Shiah] will take hold of Our Affair.”

Narrated by: Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Meaning of the Waistband, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/23/1

Posted By: Mazhar_Ali

Sublimity Of Allah

If one who prays only knew how God’s Glory surrounds him during prayer, he would never raise his head up after prostrating in worship.

Narrated by: Imam Ali(as)

Reference: Al Khisal, H1236

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/28/1/13

Posted By: Ammar al ashtari

Two Blessings Being Denied

“Two blessings are taken for granted : Security and health.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, God's Prophet (Sww) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 3, chapter 5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/3/5/1

Posted By: saniya_fatima

The Elevated Status of Young Quran Reciters: Rewards of Recitation in This Life and the Hereafter

Minhal al-Qassab from Abi Abdillah (a.s.) who said: “If a youth among believers recites the Holy Quran it gets mixed in his flesh and blood. The Almighty Allah would keep him with virtuous and honored angels and the Holy Quran would act as a shield against the fire of Hell for him on the Day of Judgment. The Holy Quran would say, ‘People who acted upon anything except me have got their result. O Allah! You give the best rewards to these people’. Allah would make the reciter of the Holy Quran wear two dresses of Paradise and keep the crown of honor on his head. Allah would tell the Holy Quran, ‘Are you satisfied now?’ It would reply, ‘I desire a better reward’. Now Allah would grant peace from right and an eternal Paradise from left and then make him enter Paradise. He would be told in Paradise, ‘Go on reciting a verse of the Holy Quran and your position will go on increasing by one level for each of them’. Then the Holy Quran would be addressed, ‘Are you pleased now?’ The Holy Quran would say, ‘Yes my Lord!’” Imam (a.s.) says that one who recites the Holy Quran much and is regular in it, the Almighty Allah would grant him this reward twice.

Narrated by: Abu AbdAllah(II) Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of reciting the Holy Quran for youth, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/156/1

Posted By: Mazhar_Ali

The Immutable Nature of Allah: Imam al-Baqir’s (AS) Clarification on Divine Wrath and Pleasure.

Hamzah ibn al-Rabi, on the authority of one he mentioned that I was in the presend of Abu Jafar al-Baqir (AS) when Amr ibn Ubayd entered and aked, “May I be your ransom! What is the wrath which is referred to in the Word of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted: And to whomsoe ver My Wrath is due shall perish indeed?1 Thus, Abu Jafar (AS) replied. O Amr! That is punishment. Verily, whoever claims that Allah, the Mighty and High, declines from one thing to another, then he has certainly given Him an attribute of the created. Verily, nothing instigates Allah, the Mighty and High, and nothing modifies Him.

Narrated by: Imam Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Meaning of His Pleasure and His Anger, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/26/1

Posted By: Mazhar_Ali

Rewards for Effort in Memorizing the Quran: Imam Ja'far Sadiq's (a.s.) Insight on Striving and Virtue

Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says, “One who memorizes Quran with difficulty will get two rewards and one who memorizes it with ease would be included among the virtuous.”

Narrated by: Abu AbdAllah(II) Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of memorizing the Quran with difficulty or with ease, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/155/1

Posted By: Mazhar_Ali

"The Essence of Shia Identity: Submission, Obedience, and Dissent"

Our (true) Shia are those who submit to our orders, carry out our directives, and dissent from our enemies. He who is not as such is not one of us.

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Musa(a.s)

Reference: Sifat Al-Shia

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/2/1

Posted By: lafzehaya@alkarbala.org

Shield Against Shaitan: The Power of Combing the Beard Seventy Times

Abi Abdillah (a.s.) said: “Shaitan will remain aloof for next forty days from one who combs his beard seventy times."

Narrated by: Abi Abdillah al-Hussain (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of combing one’s beard seventy times, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/47/1

Posted By: Mazhar_Ali

Divine Spirit: Allah's Special Favor in the Creation of Adam

On the authority of Muhammad ibn Muslim that I asked Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS) about the Word of Allah, the Mighty and High: And breathed into him of My Spirit. He (AS) replied, “Allah created, chose, selected, and related the Spirit to Himself, favoring it over all the spirits. Thus, He commanded and breathed from it into Adam.”

Narrated by: Imam Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Meaning of Allah’s Breathing of Spirit And I breathed into him of My Sprit., Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/27/1

Posted By: Mazhar_Ali

Ring Etiquette

O Ali, do not wear a ring in the forefinger or the middle finger. People of Lot the prophet (peace be upon him)1 used to wear their rings in those two fingers. You should never disrobe the pinkie (A ring should always be in your pinkie).

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Tuhaf al Uqoul

Referred Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sxll88PcDBu82ys8DZzhX__ZuXmSdYc0

Posted By: Ammar Al Ashtari

characteristics of a hypocrite

The hypocrite has three characteristics: he lies in speech, breaches his trusts, and breaks his promise.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Tuhaf al Uqoul

Referred Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sxll88PcDBu82ys8DZzhX__ZuXmSdYc0

Posted By: Ammar Al Ashtari

Intellect's Virtue

O Ali, no poverty is harsher than ignorance, no fortune better than the intellect, no loneliness drearier than pride, no victory like counseling, no intellect like moderation, no lineage like good manners, and no worship like pondering (over things).

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Tuhaf al Uqoul

Referred Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12oSuUFX_Woxfb5ZPCS83xWG877Q9g--9/view?usp=sharing

Posted By: Ammar Al Ashtari

you're your own Remedy

‘Indeed you have been made the doctor of yourself, the ailment has been made manifest to you, you know the marvel of health and have been shown the cure, and yet look at how you treat your soul!”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar(as)

Reference: al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 329, no. 6

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=..%2F..%2Fuploads%2Fuploads%2F%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%8A_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B5%D9%88%D9%84_%D8%AC2_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D9%8A%D8%AE_%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF_%D8%A8%D9%86_%D9%8A%D8%B9%D9%82%D9%88%D8%A8_%D8

Posted By: Ammar Al Ashtari

Government of Falsehood Lives Longer

"The government of falsehood doesnot decline for a long time, and the government of the truth lasts for a short while".

Narrated by: Imam Jaffar Sadiq (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 284

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

"Divine Guidance Forsaken: The Consequences of Neglecting the Quran and Sunnah"

‘I swear by Allah, Khilafat (leadership after the Holy Prophet) will never return to the family of abu Bakr and ‘Umar. It will never return to descendents of ‘Umayyah, and never to the children of Talhah and al-Zubayr. It is because they abandoned the Holy Quran, cancelled the noble traditions, and suspended the laws. The Messenger of Allah has said, “The Holy Quran is guidance against straying, clarification against blindness, stability against wavering, light against darkness, brightness in incidents, protection against destruction, intelligence against temptation, clear statement against mischief, and completion (of aim) in the world to the hereafter. In it there is your perfect religion. Whoever deviates from the Holy Quran is headed to the fire.’”

Narrated by: Imam Hussain Ibn Ali(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 2 Book 3 Chapter 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/2/3/1/8

Posted By: lafzehaya@alkarbala.org

Twelve imams determined by Allah

“From us there are twelve muhadiths. The seventh of my descendants is al-Qa’im.” Abu Baseer said: “I bare witness that I have heard Abu Ja’far saying this forty years ago.” Abu al-Hasan al-Shuja'i (rah) said: "These two hadiths are among those which Abu Abdullah (rah) reviewed after he finished compiling and copying the book.'"

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer@alkarbala.org

Al-Kafi -Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 275

‘The people are of three levels - A level who are from us (عليه السلام) and we (عليه السلام) are from them; and a level who adorn themselves by us (عليه السلام) (our name); and a level who eat each other by us (عليه السلام) (our name)’.”

Narrated by: Imam Jaffar Sadiq (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi - Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 275

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

Where are Clouds

Amir-ul-Momineen (عليه السلام) replied when he was asked, ‘Where do the clouds come from?’ He (عليه السلام) said: ‘They are on the dense trees, on the dunes, and on the shores which are a resort for them. So if Allah (عزّ وجلّ) Mighty and Majestic Intends to Send a wind which stirs them, and Allocates Angels to these who stir it by ‘Al-makhareeq’, and it is the lightening’. Then (عليه السلام) recited the verse, ‘[35:9] And Allah is He who sends the winds so they raise a cloud, then We drive it on to a dead country, and there with We give life to the earth after its death’, the Verse. And the Angel, its name is ‘Al-Ra’ad’ (The Thunder).”

Narrated by: Imam Ali (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi -Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 268

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

Twelve imams determined by Allah

“When the Prophet (S) died, a Jew man of the descendants of Dawood (Prophet David) came to Medina and saw the streets empty. He asked what the matter was. It was said to him that the Prophet (S) had died. He said: “Indeed he has died on the same day mentioned in our Book.” Then he asked where people were. It was said to him that they had been in the mosque. He came to the mosque where there were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Abdurrahman bin Ouff, Abu Obayda bin al-Jarrah and a great crowd of people. He said: “Make way to let me come in and lead me to the one, whom your prophet has entrusted with his umma!” They led him to Abu Bakr. He said to Abu Bakr: “I am a Jew and I am from the descendants of Prophet David (as). I have come to ask about four things. If you answer me, I become a Muslim.” He was asked to wait a little. Then Amirul Mo’mineen Ali (as) came in from one of the gates of the mosque. People said to the Jew: “Go to this young man!” When he came near to him, he asked: “Are you Ali bin Abu Talib?” Imam Ali (as) said to him: “Are you so-and-so the son of David (as)?” He said: “Yes, I am.” Imam Ali (as) took the Jew’s hand and came with him to Abu Bakr. The Jew said to Imam Ali (as): “I asked these people about four things but they sent me to you.” Imam Ali (as) said: “Please ask!” The Jew asked: “What was the first thing that was revealed to your prophet when he came back from his Lord after his Ascension? Who was the angel that pushed your prophet away and did not greet him? Who were the four men, from above whom Angel Malik had removed a cover of Fire and who had talked with your prophet? In which position of Paradise will the minbar of your prophet be?” Imam Ali (as) said: “The first thing that Allah has revealed to our prophet after the Ascension is: (The messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord).” The Jew said: “It is not this that I mean.” Imam Ali (as) said: “Then it is (and (so do) the believers; they all believe in Allah).” He said: “It is not this that I mean.” Imam Ali (as) said: “Then let the matter be hidden.” The Jew said: “You are to tell me the truth. Are you not the one, whom I mean?” Imam Ali (as) said: “As you insist on that, I shall tell the truth. When the Prophet (S) came back from his Lord, where the screens were opened before him, and before he got to the place of Gabriel, an angel had called: “O Ahmad!” The Prophet (S) said: “Here I am.” The angel said: “Allah sends you His greeting and says to you: “Deliver Our greeting to the master of guardians.” The Prophet (S) asked: “Who is the master of guardians?” The angel replied: “He is Ali bin Abu Talib.” The Jew said to Imam Ali (as): “You are right. I have found that in my father’s book.” Imam Ali (as) said: “As for the angel, who had pushed the Prophet (S) away, he was the Angel of Death. He had come from an arrogant of the people of the earth, who had uttered something that made Allah angry. Then Gabriel said to the Angel of Death: “This is Ahmad, the beloved messenger of Allah.” The Angel of Death came back, embraced the Prophet (S), apologized and said to him: “O messenger of Allah, I went to a tyrant king, who uttered bad things that made me very angry so that I did not know you.” The Prophet (S) accepted his apology. As for the four men, from above whom Angel Malik had removed a cover of Fire, that when the Prophet (S) passed by Angel Malik, who had never smiled since he had been created at all, Gabriel said: “O Malik, this is Muhammad, the prophet of mercy.” Then Malik smiled to the Prophet (S) and he did never smile to anyone else than Muhammad (as). The Prophet (S) said to Gabriel: “Order him to uncover a layer of Fire!” He uncovered a layer of Fire and there appeared Qabeel (Cain), Nimrod, Pharaoh and Haman. They said: “O Muhammad, ask your god to send us back to the worldly life in order to do good!” Gabriel became angry and with a feather of his wing he returned the layer of Fire upon them. As for the minbar of the Prophet (S), the abode of the Prophet (S) is the Garden of Eden, which Allah has created with His (hand). There are twelve guardians will be with the Prophet (S) in this Garden. Above this abode there is a dome called the dome of ar-Radhwan (contentment). Above the dome there is a house called al-Wasseela (the means), which no house in Paradise looks like it. It is the minbar of the Prophet (S).” The Jew said: “By Allah, you are right. This has been mentioned in the book of my father David (as). The book has been inherited by one after the other until it has reached me.” Then he took out a book written by Prophet David (as) and said to Imam Ali (as): “Give me your hand! I witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. It is he, of whom Prophet Moses (as) has informed. And I witness that you are the jurisprudent of this umma and the guardian of the messenger of Allah.” Then Imam Ali (as) began to teach him the laws of Islam.” The Book of Allah, the traditions of the Prophet (S), Imam Ali (as) and all the imams one after the other had confirmed that the number of the imams is twelve. No one among the Shia denies that the book of Sulaym bin Qayss al-Hilali is considered as one of the important books of the doctrine of the Shia. All that is mentioned in the book has been narrated from the Prophet (S), imam Ali (as), al-Miqdad, Salman al-Farisi Abu Tharr and their likes, who have accompanied the Prophet (S) and Amirul Mo’mineen (as). It is one of the sources that the Shia have depended on and referred to.

Narrated by: Father of Abu Ayyoob al-Mu'addib (teacher of some of Imam Sadiq's (AS) children

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer@alkarbala.org

Did Yaqub know that Yosef is Alive?

Hanaan Bin Sudeyr, who has said: I said to Abu Ja’far (as), ’Inform me about the words of Yaqoub (as) to his (as) sons: “[12:87] O my sons! Go and inquire respecting Yusuf and his brother”, Did he (as) know that he (as) was alive, and there was a separation of twenty years between them?’ He (as) said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘How did he (as) know?’ He (as) said: ‘He (as) supplicated before dawn and asked Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic that he (azwj) should Send down to him (as) the Angel of Death. So Biryaal descended unto him (as) and he is the Angel of Death. So Biryaal said to him (as), ‘What is your need, O Yaqoub (as)?’ He (as) said: ‘Inform me about the souls. Do you capture them altogether or separately.’ He said, ‘But, I capture them separately.soul by soul’ He (as) said to him (as), ‘So inform me, Did you come across the soul of Yusuf (as) in what you have passed by?’ He said: ‘No’. Thus Yaqoub (as) came to know that he (as) was alive. So, due to that he (as) said “[12:87] O my sons! Go and inquire respecting Yusuf and his brother’.”

Narrated by: Imam Baqir (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 238

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

"From Memory to Majesty: The Quran's Eternal Reward for Its Readers"

If a young believing person reads the Holy Quran, it mixes with his flesh and blood. Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Holy, will include him among the honorable and virtuous carriers of the message of Allah and on the Day of Judgment the Holy Quran will be his supporter. The Holy Quran will say, ‘O Lord, every worker has received the reward for his deeds except my worker. Provide him the most honorable reward.’ Allah will then dress him with two dresses of paradise and crown him with the crown of honor and then ask the Holy Quran, ‘Did We make you happy?’ The Holy Quran will say, ‘Lord, I wished for him better than this.’ Allah will then give peace in his right hand, eternity in his left hand and will say to him read from the Holy Quran one verse and go one degree higher. Then the Holy Quran is asked again, ‘Did we reward him good and make you happy?’ The Holy Quran will say, ‘Yes, Lord.’ “The Imam said, ‘If one reads the Holy Quran very often and faces difficulties to memorize it due to weaker memory, Allah will give him twice as much reward.’”

Narrated by: Imam Hussain Ibn Ali(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 2 Book 3 Chapter 2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/2/3/2/4

Posted By: lafzehaya@alkarbala.org

The Lightening Requires Rain

'Lightening does not occur at all in the darkness of the night or the light of the day unless it is raining'

Narrated by: Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 267

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

About Omens

“The omen is upon what you make it to be. If you take it lightly, it would be light; if you take it seriously it would be intense, and if you do not make anything of it, it would not be anything.”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 235

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

Twelve imams determined by Allah

“O Abut-Tufayl, Count twelve ones of bani Ka’b bin Lu’ay and then fighting and killing occur.”

Narrated by: Abdullah bin Umar

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer@alkarbala.org

Twelve imams determined by Allah

“This matter (the religion) will still prevail without being harmed by the enemies until there will be twelve caliphs; all of them are from Quraysh.”

Narrated by: Prophet Mohammad (Saww)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer@alkarbala.org

Two Groups in This Nation Whose Improvement Would Improve the Nation and Whose Corruption Would Corrupt the Nation

“There are two groups in this nation whose improvement would improve the nation and whose corruption would corrupt the nation.” He (MGB) was asked, “O Prophet of God! Who are they?” The Prophet (MGB) replied, “The jurisprudents and the chiefs.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations God's Prophet Sww said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 3, chapter 9

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/3/9/1

Posted By: saniya_fatima

Angels give Ghusl to Imam Baqir (a.s)

A man who was miles away from Al-Medina, saw in his dream in which it was said to him, ‘Go and pray over Abu Ja’far (AS), for the Angels have performed his (AS) washing in Al-Baqi’. So the man went, and found Abu Ja’far (AS) to have passed away.’”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 207

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

Equitable Practice of Ali (a.s)

When Ali (AS) became the ruler, he ascended to the pulpit, praised Allah (SWT), and extolled Him. Then he said, “By Allah, I will not withhold from you a single dirham of your due shares from the gains. I have been hindered in Yathrib (Medina), so let your own souls testify if you see me withholding what is rightfully yours while giving it to myself.” So Aqeel stood up and said to him, “By Allah! You will consider me equal to a black man from Medina?” So he said, “Sit down! There was no one here speaking except for you, and your virtue over others is only due to merit.”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, book 1, chapter 204

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

Good Character melts down sins

Excellent moral behavior melts down sins just as the sun melts down hoarfrost.

Narrated by: Imam Jafar(as)

Reference: Alkafi, Vol2, Book 1, chapter 49, Hadith 7

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/2/1/49/7

Posted By: Alkarbala

Twelve imams determined by Allah

the Prophet (S) had said: “This religion will not be harmed by its enemies until twelve caliphs, who all are from Quraysh, pass away.” The traditions narrated by the Sunnis concerning this subject are so many. The traditions show clearly that the Prophet (S) has meant by the twelve caliphs the twelve imams of his descendants. The tradition, saying that commotion will take place, refers to the commotion that will happen after the end of the rule of Imam al-Mahdi (al-Qa’im), the commotion that will last for fifty years. Several twelve rulers have ruled after the Prophet (S) or after Imam Ali (as), who has been the only true caliph. Definitely the Prophet (S) has referred by his sayings to the twelve infallible imams of his progeny, who are with the Qur’an and the Qur’an is with them and who will never part with the Qur’an until they come to the Prophet (S) at his pond in Paradise. Furthermore there are other evidences mentioned in the Torah confirming our subject. It has been mentioned in the first book of the Old Testament when talking about the story of Ishmael and after the end of the story of Sara. Allah has addressed Prophet Abraham (as), concerning the matter of his wife and her child, by saying: (I have responded to your prayer regarding Ishmael. I have blessed him and I will do more and more. He will beget twelve great men. I will make them imams as a great nation.) Abdul Haleem bin al-Husayn as-Samriy read to me what a Jew man called al-Husayn bin Sulayman, who was one of the Jewish jurisprudents, had dictated to him in Arrajan. The names and the number of the imams (as) had been mentioned in Hebrew. From among what he had read to me was this passage: “One of the descendants of Ishmael will be delegated (as a prophet). He is called Mabad or Mamad that it means Muhammad. He will be a master over people. From his progeny there will be twelve men. They will be imams and masters, whom people will imitate. Their names are: Taqobeet, Feethwa, Thabeera, Mafssora, Massmoo’a, Domoh, Thabo, Hathar, Yathmo, Bator, Nouqass and Qeedmuwa.” The Jew had been asked about these names and he said that they had been mentioned in the story of Prophet Solomon (as). He had mentioned another passage of the story: (From the progeny of Ishmael a blessed boy is born. My blessing and mercy be upon him. Twelve men of his progeny are honored and glorified. The name of this man is elevated and glorified and his mention is exalted.) This speech was read to Musa bin Imran bin Zakariyya the Jew and he confirmed it. Iss’haq bin Ibraheem bin Bakhtwayh Bahsoon al-Fasawi and Sulayman bin Dawood an-Noubenjani, who were Jews, confirmed it too. The Qur’an, the traditions narrated by the Shia from the Prophet (S) and the infallible imams, the traditions narrated by the Sunnis, the previous divine Books and their followers has confirmed that the imams are twelve ones. After all, is there any excuse for the deniers and the resisters? These are sufficient evidences for those, whom Allah has guided to His pure religion and straight path. Surely those, who deny the infallible imams, will lose. Allah has said addressing His prophet: You are only a warner and (there is) a guide for every people. In every age there is an imam, by whom Allah guides those who follow him and believe in him and He leaves those who deny him (the imam) and turn away from him to their own opinions and analogies.

Narrated by: Jabir bin Samra as sawwa'iy

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer@alkarbala.org

The Blessed the Sublime God Has Divided the People on the Earth into Two Groups

“The Blessed the Sublime God has divided the people on the Earth into two groups and placed me in the better one. Then he divided that group into three parts and I was in the best part. Then he chose the Quraysh from amongst the Arabs, chose the children of Abdul Mutalib from amongst the Hashemites , and chose me from amongst the children of Abdul Mutalib.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, God's Prophet Sww said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 3, chapter 8

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/3/8/1

Posted By: saniya_fatima

The Most Beloved to the Messenger of Allah

“There was nothing more beloved to the Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله) than to remain fearful and hungry for the Sake of Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic.”

Narrated by: Imam Jaffar Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 171

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

About the Words of Allah (3:170)

‘[3:170] and they rejoice for the sake of those who, (being left) behind them, have not yet joined them, that they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.’ He (عليه السلام) said: ‘By Allah (azwj)! These are our Shia, when they shall arrive in the Paradise, and they will be welcomed honorably from Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic, they would come to know and be convinced that they were upon the ‘حق’ Just, and upon the Religion of Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic, and they would receive the good news of the ones whom they had left behind from their brethren from the Believers. There would be no fear to come upon them, nor would they be in any grief.’”

Narrated by: Imam Baqir (a.s)

Reference: Al -Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 146

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servantofhujjat01@alkarbala.org

The clay from which the believers and unbeliever's are made

Allah, the Majestic, the Glorious, created the prophets from the clay of ‘Illiyiyyn (paradise), both their bodies and souls. He made the hearts of the believers from such clay and He made their bodies from a world lower than that world. He created the unbelievers, both their bodies and souls from the clay of Sijjin (fire). He thus mixed the two clays. For this reason children of unbelievers become believers and vice versa. For this reason the believers get afflicted with evil and unbelievers receive good things. Thus, the hearts of the believers incline to that from which they are created and the hearts of the unbelievers incline to that from which they are created

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Hussain (a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 2 Book 1 Chapter 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/2/1/1/1

Posted By: lafzehaya@alkarbala.org

Every truth has a reality

Every truth has a reality, and every right thing has light. So whatever agrees with the Book of Allah, take it, and whatever contradicts the Book of Allah, leave it.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)

Reference: Wusul al-Akhyar ila Usul al-Akhbar - Al-Walid al-Baha'i al-Amili - Vol. 1 - Page 180 - 181

Referred Link: https://ito.lib.eshia.ir/86263/1/181

Posted By: mufadhalibnumar

things which cause the Honorable the Exalted God’s hatred

sleeping when you are not sleepy, laughing without a cause, and eating on a full stomach.

Narrated by: Imam Jafar(as)

Reference: Al-Khiṣāl - Book 4, Chapter #19, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/4/19/1

Posted By: mufadhalibnumar

Twelve imams determined by Allah

“This religion will not be harmed by its enemies until twelve caliphs, who all are from Quraysh, pass away.” The traditions narrated by the Sunnis concerning this subject are so many. The traditions show clearly that the Prophet (S) has meant by the twelve caliphs the twelve imams of his descendants. The tradition, saying that commotion will take place, refers to the commotion that will happen after the end of the rule of Imam al-Mahdi (al-Qa’im), the commotion that will last for fifty years. Several twelve rulers have ruled after the Prophet (S) or after Imam Ali (as), who has been the only true caliph. Definitely the Prophet (S) has referred by his sayings to the twelve infallible imams of his progeny, who are with the Qur’an and the Qur’an is with them and who will never part with the Qur’an until they come to the Prophet (S) at his pond in Paradise. Furthermore there are other evidences mentioned in the Torah confirming our subject. It has been mentioned in the first book of the Old Testament when talking about the story of Ishmael and after the end of the story of Sara. Allah has addressed Prophet Abraham (as), concerning the matter of his wife and her child, by saying: (I have responded to your prayer regarding Ishmael. I have blessed him and I will do more and more. He will beget twelve great men. I will make them imams as a great nation.) Abdul Haleem bin al-Husayn as-Samriy read to me what a Jew man called al-Husayn bin Sulayman, who was one of the Jewish jurisprudents, had dictated to him in Arrajan. The names and the number of the imams (as) had been mentioned in Hebrew. From among what he had read to me was this passage: “One of the descendants of Ishmael will be delegated (as a prophet). He is called Mabad or Mamad that it means Muhammad. He will be a master over people. From his progeny there will be twelve men. They will be imams and masters, whom people will imitate. Their names are: Taqobeet, Feethwa, Thabeera, Mafssora, Massmoo’a, Domoh, Thabo, Hathar, Yathmo, Bator, Nouqass and Qeedmuwa.” The Jew had been asked about these names and he said that they had been mentioned in the story of Prophet Solomon (as). He had mentioned another passage of the story: (From the progeny of Ishmael a blessed boy is born. My blessing and mercy be upon him. Twelve men of his progeny are honored and glorified. The name of this man is elevated and glorified and his mention is exalted.) This speech was read to Musa bin Imran bin Zakariyya the Jew and he confirmed it. Iss’haq bin Ibraheem bin Bakhtwayh Bahsoon al-Fasawi and Sulayman bin Dawood an-Noubenjani, who were Jews, confirmed it too. The Qur’an, the traditions narrated by the Shia from the Prophet (S) and the infallible imams, the traditions narrated by the Sunnis, the previous divine Books and their followers has confirmed that the imams are twelve ones. After all, is there any excuse for the deniers and the resisters? These are sufficient evidences for those, whom Allah has guided to His pure religion and straight path. Surely those, who deny the infallible imams, will lose. Allah has said addressing His prophet: You are only a warner and (there is) a guide for every people. In every age there is an imam, by whom Allah guides those who follow him and believe in him and He leaves those who deny him (the imam) and turn away from him to their own opinions and analogies.

Narrated by: Prophet Mohammad (Saww)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Twelve imams determined by Allah

Once we were with ibn Mass’ood in his house. Someone asked him: “Have your prophet told you how many caliphs will be after him?” Ibn Mass’ood said: “Yes, He has. But no one has asked me about this matter before you. You are the youngest of these people. I have heard the Prophet (S) saying: “After me there will be (caliphs) as the number of the chieftains of Prophet Moses (as).”

Narrated by: Hz. Masrooq

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Twelve imams determined by Allah

Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq (as) had said when talking about the Qur’anic verse (You are only a warner and (there is) a guide for every people): “Each imam is a guide to the people of his age.”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

A Man Enters Heaven for One Characteristic

“A servant (i.e. person) would enter Heaven for having removed a thorn on the path of the Muslims.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, God's Prophet (Sww) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 100

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/100/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

The First Gift Given to a Believer Due to a Characteristic

Ishaq ibn Am’mar that he asked Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (MGB), “What is the first gift that is given to a believer?” The Imam (MGB) replied, “The forgiveness of those who follow his corpse in his funeral procession.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 75

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/75/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

, “A believer’s honor is more than that of the Ka’ba.”

, “A believer’s honor is more than that of the Ka’ba.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 85

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/85/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

1000 whiffs of Allah's mercy on Friday

Surely, Allah has one thousand whiffs of His mercy on Friday, and He gives every worshiper as much of it as He wills. So, whoever recites inna anzalnahu fi laylatil qadr one hundred times after `Asr on Friday, Allah gifts him that one thousand and its like.

Narrated by: Imam Musa ibn al jafar(as)

Reference: Alkafi, Vol 8, ch 88, H11

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/29/1/88/11

Posted By: khadim gumnaam

Twelve imams determined by Allah

“Gabriel came to the Prophet (S) and said: “O Muhammad! Allah orders you to marry Fatima to your brother Ali.” The Prophet (S) sent for Ali and said to him: “O Ali, I will marry my daughter Fatima, the head lady of the women of the world and the most beloved one to me, to you and there will be from you (your offspring) the two masters of the martyrs of Paradise, the oppressed bloodstained martyrs on the earth after me and the highborn progeny, with whom Allah will defeat injustice, revive the truth and finish off the untruth. Their number is like the number of the months of a year. Behind the last one of them Prophet Jesus the son of Blessed Virgin Mary (as) will offer the prayer.”

Narrated by: al-Hasan bin Abul Hasan al-Basri

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Keeping to the rope of Allah

“One day the Prophet (S) was sitting with his companions in the mosque. He said: “A man will come to you from this gate. He will be one of the people of Paradise. He asks about what concerns him.” Then a tall man looking like the people of Mudhar came in. He advanced, greeted the Prophet (S) and sat down. He said: “O messenger of Allah, I have heard Allah saying in His Book: (And hold fast by the covenant (rope) of Allah all together and be not disunited). Then what is this “rope” that Allah has ordered us to keep to and not to separate from?” The Prophet (S) pondered long and then raised his head and pointed with his hand to Ali bin Abu Talib (as) saying: “This is the “rope” of Allah. He, who keeps to him, will be saved in his life and will not be deviant in his afterlife.” The man jumped and embraced Imam Ali (as). He said: “I have kept to the rope of Allah and the rope of His messenger.” Then he left. A man from among the people got up and said: “O messenger of Allah, do I follow after him and ask him to pray Allah to forgive me?” The Prophet (S) said: “Then you find him pleased.” He followed him and asked him to pray Allah for him. He said to him: “Did you understand what the Prophet (S) said to me and what I said to him?” He said: “Yes, I did.” He said: “If you keep to that rope, then Allah will forgive you; otherwise He will not forgive you.” If the Prophet (S) had not declared for us the rope of Allah that He had ordered us in His Book to keep to and not to separate from, then the opponents would have interpreted it according to their fancies and turned it away to other than what Allah and his messenger had meant. But the Prophet (S) had said in his speech he made in the mosque of al-Khayf during the last hajj (farewell hajj): “I shall precede you (to Paradise) and you will come to me at the pond, whose width is as between Busra and San’aa. It has cups as much as the stars of the sky. I have left to you the two weighty things; the great one is the Qur’an and the minor one is my family. They both are the rope of Allah. It is extended between you and Almighty Allah. If you keep to it, you will never go astray at all. One of its ends is in the hand of Allah and the other is in your hands.” It has this addition according to another tradition: “The Most Kind has told me that they will not separate until they come to me at the pond (of Paradise) together like these two forefingers. (He gathered his two fingers).” The same was narrated by Abdul Wahid bin Abdullah bin Younus al-Moossili from Muhammad bin Ali bin Ibraheem bin Hashim from his father from his grandfather from Muhammad bin Abu Omayr from Hammad bin Eessa from Hurayz from Abu Abdullah Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Ali (as-Sadiq) from his father from his forefathers from Imam Ali (as). Also it was narrated by Abdul Wahid bin Abdullah from Muhammad bin Ali from his father from his grandfather from al-Hasan bin Mahboob and al-Hasan bin Ali bin Fadhdhal from Ali bin Aqaba from Abu Abdullah (Imam as-Sadiq). And the same was narrated by Abdul Wahid bin Muhammad bin Ali from his father from his grandfather from al-Hasan bin Mahboob from Ali bin Ri’ab from Abu Hamza ath-Thimali from Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (as). The holy Qur’an always has been with Ahlul Bayt and they always have been with the holy Qur’an. They both are the rope of Allah. They never separate as the Prophet (S) has told. This is an evidence for any one, whom Allah has guided to His true religion, showing that whoever resorts to other than the holy Qur’an and Ahlul Bayt, whom Allah has made the guardians after the Prophet (S) and made obeying them as one of the necessary obligations of religion, in looking for knowledge and orders of the Qur’an and all the religious affairs, definitely will go astray and perish and cause others to perish. Ahlul Bayt were those, whom the Prophet (S) had offered as the highest examples to his umma. He said: “My family to you is like the Ark of Noah. Whoever rides on it will be safe and whoever lags behind it will drown.” He also said: “The example of my family to you is like the Gate of Forgiveness of the Israelites. Whoever enters it his sins will be forgiven and will deserve mercy and blessing of Allah.” Allah has said: “…And enter the gate making obeisance, and say, forgiveness. We will forgive you your wrongs and give more to those who do good (to others).” Imam Ali (as) said in one of his speeches: “The knowledge that Adam has brought from the Heaven to the earth and all the virtues of the prophets until the last of them, Prophet Muhammad, have been granted to Ahlul Bayt. So whereto do you go astray? Where do you go, O you, who have been derived from the people of the Ark? As some only had been saved there, here also some only will be saved. Woe to one, who opposes them (the infallible imams).” He also said: “We, to you, are like the cave to the People of the Cave and like the Gate of Forgiveness, which is the gate of peace. So be in peace all of you.” He also said through his speech: “The loyal companions of Muhammad are certain that he has said: “I and my family are infallible. Do not precede them in order not to go astray, do not lag behind them in order not to fall in mistakes, do not object to them in order not to be ignorant and do not teach them because they are much more aware than you. They are the most aware when young and the most aware when old. Follow the truth and its people wherever they are and be far away from the untruth and its people wherever they are.” But unfortunately people brushed all that aside. They considered the orders of the Prophet (S) as ridiculous and raving. They refused to follow those, whom Allah and His messengers had ordered to be obeyed. Allah said: “So, ask the followers of the reminder if you do not know.” “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you.” The Prophet (S) confirmed many times that safety was bound by keeping to Ahlul Bayt, doing according to their sayings, submitting to their orders, learning from them and walking in their path; nevertheless people resorted to others than them and ascribed their virtues to those others. They became pleased with those others and so Allah deprived them from the true knowledge. They began to interpret according to their fancies and analogies and they became satisfied with their own minds away from the guidance of Allah, His messenger and the infallible imams, whom Allah had appointed to be the guides for His people. When they brushed all that aside and depended on their own opinions, Allah left them to stray in confusion and deviation and consequently they perished and caused others to perish. Allah said: “Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in (their) deeds. (These are) they whose labor is lost in this world’s life and they think that they are well versed in skill of the work of hands.” As if people had not heard the saying of Allah: “And the day when the unjust one shall bite his hands saying: O! would that I had taken a way with the Messenger. O woe is me! would that I had not taken such a one for a friend.” So was that “messenger” but Muhammad (as)? And who was that “one” mentioned in the verse? Immediately after that Allah said: “Certainly he led me astray from the reminder after it had come to me.” It meant after acknowledging Islam and becoming a Muslim. Then what was that “reminder” which that one’s friend had led him astray from? Was it not the holy Qur’an and Ahlul Bayt? Allah had called the Prophet (S) as “reminder” when He said: “Allah has indeed revealed to you a reminder; a messenger.” And when He said: “So, ask the followers of the reminder if you do not know.” Was the “reminder” mentioned in the verse but the Prophet (S)? And who were the “followers of the reminder” save the Prophet’s family? Then Allah said: “…And the Satan fails to aid man.” Definitely the Satan would lead his followers away from the “reminder” and then they would lose in this life and the afterlife. Allah said expressing the Prophet’s situation: “And the Messenger cried out: O my Lord! surely my people have treated this Qur’an as a forsaken thing.” They became indifferent to the Qur’an, to which and to Ahlul Bayt Allah had ordered them to keep. Did this blame not concern the people, to whom the Qur’an had been revealed? Did it not concern the people of this umma, who had wronged their Prophet’s family and left the Qur’an aside? It was they, whom the Prophet (S) would witness against on the Day of Resurrection for they had preferred the pleasures of this life to their religion out of doubting Muhammad (as) and envying his family because Allah had favored them with great excellences. The Prophet (S) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, some of my companions will quiver right and left. I will say: O my God, they are my companions. It will be said: O Muhammad, you do not know what they have committed after you. Then I will say: Away with them! Away with them!” Allah confirmed this by saying: “And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful.” This verse had a certain evidence that there would be some people, who would turn back on their heels after the death of the Prophet (S) and who would deny the orders of Allah and His messenger. Allah said: “…Then let those beware who withstand the Messenger’s order, lest some trial befall them, or a grievous penalty be inflicted on them.” Allah would double torment and disgrace for those, who wronged the Prophet’s family and deprived them of their rights and who changed the orders of Allah when He ordered that they (the Prophet’s family) were to be obeyed, loved and taken as guides. Allah said: “Say: No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin.” “… Is then He Who gives guidance to truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance (himself) unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you? How judge ye?” The true believers of the umma had agreed upon that Imam Ali (as) was the guardian of the Prophet (S). He guided the companions to the truth often and always and none of them ever guided him. They all were in need of him but he was not in need of any of them. He knew and taught all kinds of knowledge but none of them ever taught him a bit. They did wrong to Fatima, the infallible Prophet’s daughter, to a degree that she (as) recommended in her will to be buried secretly at night and that none of her father’s umma was to offer the prayer (prayer for the dead) for her except those few ones she had mentioned. If there was no calamity in the history of Islam bringing shame and disgrace other than the calamity of Fatima (sa) until she left to the better world angry with her father’s umma leaving her bitter will that no one was to attend her burial except very few loyal companions, it would be sufficient evidence for the ignorant and for those, whose hearts were sealed, to see what a great sin they had committed when they wronged Fatima, her husband and her sons (peace be upon them) and when they preferred the oppressors to the Prophet’s family, who were the elite of Allah. Allah said: “For surely it is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts.” This blindness will cling to the enemies of the Prophet’s family until the Day of Resurrection. Allah said: “Certainly you were heedless of it, but now We have removed from you your veil, so your sight today is sharp.” “The day on which their excuse shall not benefit the unjust, and for them is curse and for them is the evil abode.” Then how odd it was when those blind and deaf people pretended that the holy Qur’an had not had all things about the obligations and the laws needed by people; therefore when they did not find all things, they used their analogies in deriving the laws and they fabricated lies and ascribed them to the Prophet (S) that he had permitted them to do according to their own derivations whereas Allah had said in His Book: “… And We have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly everything.” “We have not neglected anything in the Book.” “And We have recorded everything in a clear writing.” “And We have recorded everything in a book.” “I do not follow aught save that which is revealed to me.” “And that you should judge between them by what Allah has revealed.” One, who says that something of the affairs of this life and the afterlife, the laws of religion, the obligations and everything that people need is not available in the Qur’an, about which Allah has said, “… and We have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly everything,” refutes the saying of Allah, ascribes lying to Allah and does not believe in His Book. By Allah, they showed the reality of themselves and of the imams, whom they imitated, when they said that they had not found everything in the Qur’an because they were not among the people of the Qur’an nor among those, who had been given the knowledge of the Qur’an nor had Allah and His messenger given them a share of that because Allah had granted all the knowledge of the Qur’an to the Prophet’s family, who were the trustees, the heirs and the interpreters of the Qur’an. If they submitted to the order of Allah when saying: “…And if they had referred it to the Messenger and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out the knowledge of it would have known it.” “So ask the followers of the reminder if you do not know.” Allah would get them to the light of guidance, would teach them what they had not known and would make them not need analogy or derivation according to their own opinions and then the differences between the laws of religion would disappear and they would not need to ascribe fabricated traditions to the Prophet (S) claiming that the Prophet (S) had permitted it (deciding according to one’s analogy) whereas the Qur’an had prohibited it when saying: “And if it were from any other than Allah, they would have found in it many a discrepancy.” “And be not like those who separated and disputed after clear arguments had come to them.” “And hold fast by the covenant (rope) of Allah all together and be not disunited.” The Qur’anic verses talking about disagreement and separation are innumerable. Disagreement and separation in religion lead to deviation. Nevertheless they permitted that and claimed that the Prophet (S) had permitted it whereas Allah had prohibited it by saying: “And be not like those who separated and disputed after clear arguments had come to them.” Is there something clearer than this? Do people have any excuse before Allah after that? We pray Allah not to let us go astray and not to let us submit to our minds and fancies in deciding the matters of our religion. We pray Him to firm our guidance and faith, to keep to His guardians, to do according to what they have ordered and to refrain from what they have prohibited in order to meet Him with our faith and loyalty. We pray Him not to let us precede His guardians nor lag behind them for he, who precedes them, will apostatize, who lags behind them will drown, who opposes them will perish and who keeps to them will succeed as the Prophet (S) has said.

Narrated by: Imam as Sajjad (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

The imamat and the will

“The will had been revealed from the Heaven to the Prophet (S). It was a sealed book. No other sealed book had been revealed to the Prophet (S) except the will. Gabriel said: O Muhammad, this is your will to your family among your umma. The Prophet (S) said: “O Gabriel, which of my family?” Gabriel said: “The one, whom Allah has chosen, and his progeny. He is to inherit you with the knowledge of prophethood before Abraham.” The will had seals. Ali (as) opened the first seal and went whereto (to the better world) he had been ordered. Then al-Hasan (as) opened the second seal and went whereto he had been ordered. Then al-Husayn (as) opened the third seal and found in it: “Fight, kill and you are to be killed. Set out with some people towards martyrdom. They will not be martyred except with you.” He gave the will to Ali bin al-Husayn (as) and went. Ali bin al-Husayn (as) opened the fourth seal and found in it: “Ponder long and be silent for knowledge is veiled.” Then he gave it to Muhammad bin Ali (as), who opened the fifth seal and found in it: “Interpret the Book of Allah, confirm your father’s knowledge, bequeath knowledge to your son, humor the umma and announce the truth in fright and safety and do not fear except Allah!” He did and gave the will to the next one.” Ma’ath said: “Is it you?” Imam as-Sadiq (as) said: “O Ma’ath, you are not but to go and narrate this from me. Yes, it is me.” He mentioned twelve names and then became silent. I (Ma’ath) said: “Then who?” He said: “It is just so!”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

The imamat and the will

“Allah the Almighty has revealed from the heaven to every imam his covenant and what he will do. Each imam is to open the seal and to do according to what there is in his covenant.” O people of Shia, this shows clearly that whomsoever Allah wishes good to, will make him among those who believe in the infallible imams (as), whom Allah has granted with dignity, made His choice and preferred to all of His people by making them His deputies on the earth. He has made obeying them as obeying Him when saying: “O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you.” And: “Whoever obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys Allah.” The Prophet (sw) has ordered the people to follow the infallible imams of his progeny, whom Allah has imposed obeying them upon all the people. The Prophet (sw) has showed that clearly by saying: “I have left among you the two weighty things; the Book of Allah and my family. They are an extended “rope” between you and Allah. If you keep to them, you will never go astray at all.” Allah has said: “…Therefore let those beware who go against his order lest a trial afflict them or there befall them a painful chastisement.” When the Prophet (sw) had been opposed, his sayings had been denied, his ordered had been disobeyed and when his progeny had been deprived of their inheritance and rights and had been wronged then the torment of Allah afflicted the oppressors, their followers and whoever was pleased with their deeds. Allah hastened for them the sedition in their religion. They went astray far away from the right path. They separated and became in different sects with confused opinions besides that Allah has prepared for them the bitterest of torment on the Day of Resurrection. Allah said: “So He made hypocrisy to follow as a consequence into their hearts till the day when they shall meet Him because they failed to perform towards Allah what they had promised with Him and because they told lies.” Allah has made hypocrisy as punishment for ones, who have broken their promise and He has called them as hypocrites. He said: “Surely the hypocrites are in the lowest stage of the fire and you shall not find a helper for them.” If this was the case of one, who broke his promise, that his punishment would lead him to the lowest bottom of Hell so what about those, who declared openly their disobedience to the orders of Allah and His messenger (as) and their oppression towards those, whom Allah had ordered people to obey, to keep to and to be with when He said: “O you who believe! Be careful of (your duty to) Allah and be with the true ones.” It is they who were loyal to their covenant they made with Allah in jihad and in sacrifice for the sake of Him and supporting the Prophet (sw) and assisting his mission where Allah said: “Of the believers are men who are true to the covenant which they made with Allah: so of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits, and they have not changed in the least.” What a great difference is between those, who are sincere to Allah, who sacrifice themselves for the sake of Allah and who strive to support the Prophet (sw) and his mission and between those, who disobey Allah and His messenger, who wrong the family of the Prophet (sw) and whose deeds will lead them to the lowest bottom of Hell! This is the end of every one deviating from any of the infallible imams, whom Allah has chosen to be the guides for His people. This is the end of every one denying the imamate of any of them, following else than them and claiming that the right is of else than them because the order of the will and the imamate has been determined by Allah the Almighty and not by anyone of His people; therefore he, who disobeys the order of Allah, will definitely be in the abyss of Hell where the oppressors and the hypocrites will be.

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

The Protective Virtue of Ablution: Imam al-Ridha’s (AS) Guidance on Safeguarding the Eyes from Hellfire

Imam al-Ridha (AS) says, “Keep your eyes open while performing ablution, perhaps you will save yourself from seeing the fire of Hell by doing so."

Narrated by: Imam Ali Al-Ridha (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of keeping eyes open during ablution, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/34/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Spiritual Merit of Renewing Ablution: Imam al-Sadiq's (AS) Teaching on Divine Forgiveness

Abi Abdillah (AS) said: “One who repeats ablution apart from prayers, the Almighty Allah forgives all his sin even without repentance."

Narrated by: Imam Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of repeating ablution, Hadith #2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/35/2

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Understanding the Divine Wrath: Clarification by Imam al-Baqir (AS) on the Nature of Allah’s Punishment

Hamzah ibn al-Rabi, on the authority of one, mentioned that I was in the presence of Abu Jafar al-Baqir (AS) when Amr ibn Ubayd entered and asked, May I be your ransom! What is the wrath, which is referred to in the Word of Allah, the Blessed, and Exalted: And to whosoever My Wrath is due shall perish indeed? Thus, Abu Jafar (AS) replied. O Amr! That is punishment. Verily, whoever claims that Allah, the Mighty, and High, declines from one thing to another, then he has certainly given Him an attribute of the created. Verily, nothing instigates Allah, the Mighty and High, and nothing modifies Him.

Narrated by: Abu Jafar(I) Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Meaning of His Pleasure and His Anger, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/26/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

"The Divine Decree: Death and the Borders of Knowledge"

"My soul shows generosity in accepting the quickening of our death or being murdered. It is due to the words of Allah that say, 'Have they not considered that We have taken over the land and reduced its borders?' (13:41) the reference here is to the death of the scholars.”

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Hussain (a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 7

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/7/6

Posted By: Al-Haya

A Good Advice of Imam Zain ul Abideen (a.s)

“O my son, do good to everyone who seeks it from you, so if he was deserving of it, then it has found its place, and if he was not deserving of it, then you were deserving of it, and if a man insults you from your right, then turn to your left. So if he offers his excuse for it, accept his excuse.”

Narrated by: Imam Zain ul Abideen said to his son

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, Book 1, chapter 141.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: servant of hujjat

The Rights of Muhammad's (saww) Household are Obligatory

’There was a woman from the Helpers who had cordiality with us, the People of the Household, and used to frequently pledge her allegiance to us. Umar Bin Al-Khattab met her one day whilst she was on her way to us. He said to her, ‘Where are you headed, O elderly woman of the Helpers?’ She said, ‘I am going to the Progeny of Muhammad (peace be upon him) to greet them and renew my allegiance with them and give their rights to them.’ So Umar said to her, ‘Woe be unto you! There are no rights for them today, neither from you nor from us. But rather, there used to be rights for them during the era of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). As for today, there are no rights for them, so leave.’ So she left until she came up to Umm Salma (peace be upon her). Umm Salma said to her, ‘What was it that delayed you in coming to us?’ So she said, ‘I met Umar Bin Al-Khattab,’ and she informed her of what she had said to Umar and what Umar had said to her.’ So Umm Salma (peace be upon her) said to her, ‘He lied. The rights of the Progeny of Muhammad (peace be upon him) have not stopped. They are upon the Muslims up to the Day of Judgement.’

Narrated by: Imam Hussain (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8,Book 1, Chapter 145

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

Everything was Water

“Everything used to be water, and His (Allah’s) Throne was upon the water. So Allah (Mighty and Majestic) Commanded the water so the fire was ignited. Then He (Allah) Commanded the fire, so it was extinguished, and from its smoldering, a smoke arose. So Allah (Mighty and Majestic) Created the Heavens from that smoke, and Allah (Mighty and Majestic) Created the earth from the ashes. Then the water, and the fire, and the wind contended. So the water said, ‘I am the great army of Allah (Mighty and Majestic),’ and the fire said, ‘I am the great army of Allah (Mighty and Majestic),’ and the wind said, ‘I am the great army of Allah (Mighty and Majestic).’ So Allah (Mighty and Majestic) Revealed unto the wind: ‘You are My (Mighty and Majestic) Great Army.’

Narrated by: Imam Baqir (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, book 1, chapter 142

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

A Good Advice of Imam Zain ul Abideen (a.s)

“O my son, do good to everyone who seeks it from you, so if he was deserving of it, then it has found its place, and if he was not deserving of it, then you were deserving of it, and if a man insults you from your right, then turn to your left. So if he offers his excuse for it, accept his excuse.”

Narrated by: Imam Zain ul Abideen said to his son

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, Book 1, chapter 141.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: servant of hujjat


قال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): "ما جاءك في رواية من بر أو فاجر يوافق القرآن فخذ به، وما جاءك في رواية من بر أو فاجر يخالف القرآن فلا تأخذ به." Abu Abdullah (a) said: " Whatever comes to you in a narration, whether from a righteous or a wicked person, if it agrees with the Quran, take it, and if it contradicts the Quran, do not take it."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)

Reference: Tafsir al-Ayyashi - Muhammad ibn Mas'ud al-Ayyashi - Vol. 1 - Page 8

Referred Link: https://lib.eshia.ir/12013/1/8

Posted By: mufadhal_umar


علي (عليه السلام) قال: "الوقوف عند الشبهة خير من الاقتحام في الهلكة، وتركك حديثاً لم تروه خير من روايتك حديثاً لم تحصه، إن على كل حق حقيقة وعلى كل صواب نوراً، فما وافق كتاب الله فخذوا به، وما خالف كتاب الله فدعوه." Imam Ali (a) said: "Pausing at a doubt is better than plunging into destruction, and leaving a narration that you did not transmit is better than narrating one you did not comprehend. Indeed, every truth has a reality, and every right thing has light. So whatever agrees with the Book of Allah, take it, and whatever contradicts the Book of Allah, leave it."

Narrated by: Imam Ali (a)

Reference: Risala fi al-Mahr - Shaykh al-Mufid - Vol. 1 - Page 30.

Referred Link: https://lib.eshia.ir/15183/1/30

Posted By: mufadhal_umar

A characteristic that will make on poor in the hereafter

“Beware that sleeping too much at night will make one poor in the Hereafter.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, God’s Prophet (MGB) said that the mother of Solomon the son of David, told Solomon,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 89

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/89/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Atom's weight of Arrogance

Whoever has an atom's weight of arrogance in his heart, will be placed by Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment with the Bedouins of the pre-Islamic era.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Al-Ja'fariyyat - Al-Ash'athiyat - Muhammad ibn Ash'ath Kufi - Vol. 1 - Page 163

Referred Link: https://lib.eshia.ir/71525/1/163

Posted By: Khadim Gumnaam

Right of God against you

The greatest right of God against you is that you worship Him without associating anything with Him. When you do that with sincerity (ikhlas), He has made it binding upon Himself to give you sufficiency in the affair of this world and the next.

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Al hussain(sajjad)(as)

Reference: Risalatul huquq

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/33/1/2/1

Posted By: Khadim Gumnaam

Connection between you & Allah

No connection is more reliable than the connection between you and Allah provided you take hold of it. Enliven your heart with preaching, kill it by renunciation, energies it with firm belief, enlighten it with wisdom, humiliate it by recalling death, make it believe in mortality, make it see the misfortunates of this world, make it fear the authority of the time and the severity of some changes during the nights and the days, place before it the events of past people, recall to it what befell those who were before you and walk among their cities and ruins, then see what they did and from what they have gone away and where they have gone and stayed. You will find that they departed from (their) friends and remain in loneliness. Shortly, you too will be like one of them. Therefore, plan for your place of stay and do not sell your next life with this world.

Narrated by: Imam Ali(as)

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, Commandment 31

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FNehjulBalagha-English.pdf

Posted By: Khadim Gumnaam

Keeping to the rope of Allah

“Once, some people of Yemen came to Medina. The Prophet (sw) said: “They come to you gently.” When they came to the Prophet (sw), he said: “They are people of gentle hearts and deep-rooted faith. From among them, there will be al-Mansoor. He will come with seventy thousand soldiers. He will support my descendant and my guardian’s descendant. The sheaths of their swords are from musk.” They said: “O Messenger of Allah, who is your guardian?”
The Prophet (sw) said: “It is he, whom Allah has ordered you to keep to when He has said: (And hold fast by the covenant (rope) of Allah all together and be not disunited).” They said: “O Messenger of Allah, will you declare to us what this rope is?” He said: “It is the saying of Allah, ‘save (where they grasp) a rope from Allah and a rope from men.’ The rope from Allah is His Book and the rope from people is my guardian.” They asked: “O Messenger of Allah, who is your guardian?” He said: “It is he about whom Allah has revealed, ‘Lest a soul should say: O woe to me! For what I fell short of my duty to Allah.’” They asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is this duty to Allah?” He said: “It is what Allah has said about, ‘And the day when the unjust one shall bite his hands saying: O! would that I had taken a way with the Messenger.’ It is my guardian and the way that leads to me.” They said: “O Messenger of Allah! By Him, Who has sent you with the truth, declare him to us. We are so eager to know who he is.” He said: “It is he, whom Allah has made as a sign for the true believers. If you look at him with a look of (him who has a heart, or gives ear with full intelligence), you will know that he is my guardian as you have known that I am your prophet. Go through the rows and stare at the faces then see towards whom your hearts incline. It will be him because Allah has said: (therefore make the hearts of some people yearn towards them). It means towards him and his progeny (as).” Then Abu Aamir al-Ash’ari, Abu Ghurra al-Khawlani, Dhabyan, Uthman bin Qays, Arana ad-Dousi and Lahiq Bin Alaqa from among their tribes went through the rows, stared at the faces and held the hand of the bald, stout man and said: “O Messenger of Allah, towards this man our hearts yearned.” The Prophet (sw) said: “You are the elite of Allah where you recognized the Prophet’s guardian before you have been told about him. How did you know that he was him?” They began crying and said: “O messenger of Allah, we looked at the people but our hearts did not incline to any of them. When we saw this man our hearts trembled and then our souls felt assured, our eyes shed tears and our chests became pleased as if he was our father and we were his children.” The Prophet (sw) recited: “But none knows its interpretation except Allah and those who are firmly rooted in knowledge.” You are near them in your good position and you are far away from Hell. These men remained loyal until they fought with Imam Ali (as) in the battles of al-Jamal (the camel) and Siffeen, in which they were martyred. May Allah have mercy upon them. The Prophet (sw) had brought them good news to be in Paradise and had predicted that they would have been martyred with Imam Ali (as).”

Narrated by: Jabir bin Abdullah Al ansari

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Preserving the secrets of Prophet's (SAWW) family.

Abdul Wahid narrated from al-Hasan that Hafs bin Naseeb Far’an had said: “I came to Abu Abdullah (as) when his mawla al-Mu’alla bin Khunays was killed. He said to me: “O Hafs, I have told al-Mu’alla of some things but he spread them then he was afflicted with (iron). I have said to him: We have some traditions, which if someone keeps secret Allah will save his religion and life and if he spreads, Allah will deprive him of his religion and life. O Mu’alla, if one hides the serious traditions of ours, Allah will make that as light between his eyes and grant him with glory among people and if one spreads the serious traditions of ours, he will not die until he is bitten by weapon or he dies confusedly.”

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Obligation upon every Muslim

Seeking the knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim, and that Allah(azwj) loves the seeker of knowledge.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)

Reference: Basaair Al Darajaat –Ch 1 H 1

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBasa%27ir+al+Darjaat+-+Abu+Ja%E2%80%99far+Muhammad+Bin+Al-Hassan+Bin+Al-Farookh+Al-Saffaar.pdf

Posted By: Khadim Gumnaam

Temporary Marriage

“O Ibn Muslim, the people are show-offs apart from you, and that is what you have concealed what Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic Loves, and have displayed what the people love, whilst the people have displayed what Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic is Angered by, and concealed what Allah (azwj) Loves. O Ibn Muslim, Allah (azwj) Blessed and High Sympathised with you, so He (azwj) Made the Mut’a (Temporary marriage) (Permissible) instead of the (intoxicating) drinks.”’

Narrated by: Imam Baqir(a.s)

Reference: Al -Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 133

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

Prohibition on exposing onself for accusation

the one who exposes himself for the accusation, so he should not blame the one who thinks bad about him, and the one who conceals his secret, would have the good in his hands (is secure from that).’

Narrated by: Imam Ali (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 137

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

Preserving the secrets of Prophet's (SAWW) family.

Abdul Wahid narrated from al-Hasan that Hafs bin Naseeb Far’an had said: “I came to Abu Abdullah (as) when his mawla al-Mu’alla bin Khunays was killed. He said to me: “O Hafs, I have told al-Mu’alla of some things but he spread them then he was afflicted with (iron). I have said to him: We have some traditions, which if someone keeps secret Allah will save his religion and life and if he spreads, Allah will deprive him of his religion and life. O Mu’alla, if one hides the serious traditions of ours, Allah will make that as light between his eyes and grant him with glory among people and if one spreads the serious traditions of ours, he will not die until he is bitten by weapon or he dies confusedly.”

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

"Destruction through Falsehood and Ignorance"

"I would like to warn you about two forms of behavior that lead a man to destruction. I prohibit you from dealing with Allah on the basis of falsehood and from giving fatwa to people without knowledge.”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar -e- Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 11

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/11/1

Posted By: Al-Haya

Excellence of Shia and Advice of Abu Abdullah(a.s)

‘By Allah (عزوجل)! There is no one from the people more beloved to me (عليه السلام) than you are, and that the people have gone in various directions. So among them is the ‘one’ who takes (religion) to his own opinion, and among them is one who follows his own desires, and among them is the one who follows the narration (Al-Riwayah), and you all have grabbed to a matter for which there is an origin. So it is for you to observe piety, and the struggle, and bear witness to the funerals, and console the sick, and be present with your people in their Masjids for the Prayers. Is it not shameful for the man among you that his right is being observed by his neighbour whilst he himself does not observe the rights of his neighbour?’”

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, book 1, chapter 121

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

The prophet's (Saww) banner.

"As if I see al-Qa’im standing on the hill of Najaf, wearing a dress of brocade and the armor of the Prophet (S) and riding a black horse. He will spread the Prophet’s banner, whose pole is from the poles of the Throne of Allah and whose rest is from the assistance of Allah. Whatever he swoops on with the banner Allah will make it perish.” I said: “Has the banner been hidden somewhere or it will be brought then?” He said: “Gabriel (as) will bring it. When he shakes it, every believer’s heart will become like iron. He will be given a power of forty men. Then every dead believer will feel happy in his grave. The dead will begin to visit each other in their graves and they bring the good news of the appearance of al-Qa’im to each other. Thirteen thousand and three hundred and thirteen angels will descend with al-Qa’im then.” I asked: “Have these angels been with any of the prophets before him (al-Qa’im)?” He said: “Yes, they have been with Prophet Noah (as) in the Ark, with Abraham (as) when he has been thrown into the fire, with Moses (as) when the sea has been cleft to him, with Jesus Christ (as) when he has been raised to the Heaven besides four thousands, who have been with Prophet Muhammad (as), three hundred and thirteen angels, who have supported the Prophet (S) on the day of Badr and four thousands, who have asked permission to fight with al-Husayn (as) but they have not been permitted. They have descended to find that al-Husayn (as) has been Martyred. They have remained near his tomb weeping for him until the Day of Resurrection. Their chief is an angel called Mansoor. They receive every visitor coming to visit al-Husayn (as), escort everyone farewelling him, visit every sick person and no one dies unless they offer the prayer for him and ask Allah to forgive him after his death. All these angels are waiting for the appearance of al-Qa’im (as).”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Understanding Allah's Wrath and Pleasure: A Discourse with Imam al-Baqir (AS)

On the authority of Hamzah ibn al-Rabi, on the authority of one he mentioned that I was in the presence of Abu Jafar al-Baqir (AS) when Amr ibn Ubayd entered and asked, “May I be your ransom! What is the wrath, which is referred to in the Word of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted: And to whomsoever My Wrath is due shall perish indeed? Thus, Abu Jafar (AS) replied, O Amr! That is punishment. Verily, whoever claims that Allah, the Mighty and High, declines from one thing to another, then he has certainly given Him an attribute of the created. Verily, nothing instigates Allah, the Mighty and High, and nothing modifies Him

Narrated by: Imam Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Meaning of His Pleasure and His Anger, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/26/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

"The Three Signs of a Scholar and an Orator"

“Imam Ali (a.s), would often say, ‘O seekers of knowledge, (note that) a scholar has three signs: Knowledge, forbearance and quietness. An orator has three signs: He quarrels those higher then him through disobedience. He does injustice to those lower than him in position through domination and he becomes a supporter of the unjust.’”

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/5/7

Posted By: Al-Haya

Complaint of a Beliveing Person before an Unbeliever

Whichever believer complains of his need and presents it to an infidel or the one who is opposed to his religion, so it is as if he has complained against Allah before an enemy from the enemies of the Allah. And whichever believing man complains of his need and presents it to a believer like him, so it is as if he has complained to Allah.

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah(a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 113.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

Is sea water clean?

Yunus ibn ’Abd al-Rahman from ‘Abd Allah ibn Sinan who has said the following: “I once asked abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s), ‘Is sea water clean?’ He (the Imam) replied, ‘Yes, it is clean.’”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar As Sadeq(as)

Reference: Al-Kāfi - Volume 3, h4

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/3/1/1/4

Posted By: Khadim gumnaam

"Referring to Allah(swt) as a 'Thing"

“Is it permissible to say Allah is a thing?” “Yes, it is permissible because it excludes Him from being ignored altogether and from being analogized or considered similar to the creatures.”

Narrated by: Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 1 Book 3 Chapter 2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/3/2/7

Posted By: Al-Haya

Prostration of Abu-Abdulllah (a.s).

I saw Abu-Abdullah alone in the gardens of Al-Kufa. He came to a palm tree, so he performed ablution near it, then bowed and prostrated . I counted in his prostration hundred glorification (Tasbeeh). Then he leaned on the palm tree and supplicated by a supplication. Then he said : ' O Abu Hafs! By Allah , it is the palm tree about which Allah said to Maryam: "[19:25] and shake towards you the trunk of the palm tree, it will drop on you fresh ripe dates".

Narrated by: From a chain of narraters Hafs who said,

Reference: Al-Kafi- Volume 8 , book 1, chapter 111.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

Prosperous Be the One Who is Indifferent

“Blessed be one who looks indifferent. He seems to be with the people, but he doesn’t really follow their deeds. The people know him on the surface but they do not know what goes on within him.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 88

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/88/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

If One Sees a Disturbing Dream

If the man sees what he does not like in his dream, so he should change his sleeping position which he was in and should say, 'The whispering is from the Satan to aggrieve those who believe , 'and nothing would harm him except by the permission of Allah. Then he should say, 'I seek Refuge with what the Angels of Proximity of Allah and his Prophets, and the righteous servants sought refuge with, from evil what i saw, and from the evil of the castaway Satan.'

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi , Volum 8, Book 1, Chapter 106.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

Universal Mourning

When Ḥusain ibn ‘Ali (a.s) died, everything Allāh has created cried over him except three things (places): Basra, Damascus, and the family of ‘Uthmān bin Affan.

Narrated by: Imam Jafar As Sadeq(as)

Reference: Kamil al-Ziyarah, H194

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/24/2/26/4

Posted By: Khadim gumnaam

Ismaeel the son of imam Sadiq (AS)

I came to Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq (as) and asked him who the imam would be after him. He said to me: “He is the keeper of the lamb.” His son Musa (al-Kadhim), who was a little boy then, was in a corner of the house with a lamb. He said to the lamb: “Prostrate yourself before Allah, Who has created you!”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Heaven and earth cried for Hussain(as)

Verily when Abū ‘Abdillāh, Ḥusain ibn ‘Ali (a.s) died, the seven heavens, the seven earths, everything within them, everything between them, everyone which circulates around them, Paradise, Hell, and everything that our Lord has created, from among that which can be seen and that which cannot be seen, (all) cried over him.

Narrated by: Imam Sādiq (a.s))

Reference: Kamil al ziyarat, H193

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/24/2/26/3

Posted By: Khadim Gumnaam

"The Virtue of Spreading Knowledge: A Hadith on Narrating Traditions"

There is a man who narrates your hadiths, spreads them among people and ties it to their hearts and the hearts of your Shi'a. Also, there is perhaps a worshipper among your Shi'a who does not have your narrations. Which of the two are better?'. He said, 'The one who narrates our hadiths and ties them up to the hearts of our Shi'a is better than 70,000 worshippers.'"

Narrated by: Imam Jafar -e- Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/2/9

Posted By: Al-Haya

"Roles in the Pursuit of Knowledge"

"Be a scholar or a student [of knowledge] or love the scholars. Do not become of the fourth group lest you will be destroyed by their hatred."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar -e- Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi volume 1 Book 2 chapter 3

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/3/3

Posted By: Al-Haya

Necessity Of Seeking Knowledge

"O people, you must know that religion becomes complete through seeking knowledge and acting accordingly. You must know that seeking knowledge is much more urgent for you than seeking wealth. Indeed, wealth is divided and guaranteed for you, a just person has already divided the wealth among you, guaranteed it, and will execute it for you. Knowledge, however, is stored with those who possess it. You are commanded to seek knowledge from its sources (those who possess it). You must seek knowledge."

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/1/4

Posted By: Al-Haya

What Is A Lot but Its Doers Are A Few

“There are a lot of good deeds but there are only a few good-doers.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, God's Prophet (Sww) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 95

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/95/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

What Is A Lot but Its Doers Are A Few

“There are a lot of good deeds but there are only a few good-doers.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, God's Prophet (Sww) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 95

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/95/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

A Characteristic That is the Best Form of Worshipping and a Characteristic That is the Noblest Form of Being Religious

“The best form of worshipping is to apply yourself to the acquisition of knowledge, and the noblest form of being religious is piety.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, God's Prophet (Sww) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 94

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/94/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

The Inhabitants of the Fire.

When the inhabitants of the fire settle down in the fire, they will miss you (shiites) . So they will not see any one from you (therein). So some of them will say to others, "[38:62] And they will say:" What has happened to us that we see not men whom we used to number among the bad ones? [38:63] Was it that we only took them in scorn, or have our eyes (now) turned aside from them? [38:64].Imam said :'And that is the statement of Allah(azwj) :"that most surely is the truth: the contending one with another of the inmates of the fire".they will be disputing with each other regarding you (shiites) with regards to what they had been saying about you (shiites) in the world.'

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 104.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

"Path to Perfect Faith"

'The most perfect of all perfection is a good understanding of religion, exercising patience during affliction and setting up of means of living.'

Narrated by: Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/2/4

Posted By: Al-Haya

The Most Beloved Thing to the Messenger of Allah.

"There was nothing more beloved to the Rasool Allah (saww) than remaining hungry and fearful for the sake of Allah (azwj)".

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 99

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

When a Believing Man Becomes Forty Years Old.

'When the momin reaches forty years, Allah secures him from three illnesses-the leprosy, and the albinism and the madness. So when he reaches fifty, Allah makes his accounting to be light. When he reaches sixty years, Allah grants him the repentance . So when he reaches seventy, the inhabitants of the sky love him. So when he reaches eighty, Allah commands to write down his good deeds and deletes his bad deeds. So when he reaches ninety, Allah forgives him what has preceded from his religion and what has been delayed and writes him down as a prisioner of Allah in his earth'. And in another report -'So when he reaches a hundred , so that is the very (feeble) end of life'.

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 83

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

There is No Escape from Three Things.

"There are three things from which except for Nabi (a.s) no one is safe from -The untrue perception about the creation, and the pessimism/depression and the jealousy, except that believer doesnot make use of his jealousy".

Narrated by: Abu Abdullah (a.s).

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Book 1, Chapter 86

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

Ghadeer: The Greatest of Eid

The narrator asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s), “Is there any other Eid for Muslims except the two Eids and Friday?” Imam (a.s) replied, “Yes, here is an Eid greater than them; the day when Amirul Momineen (a.s) was appointed as caliph and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) had made his love compulsory on believing men and women at Ghadeer-e- Khum. A good deed performed on this day is equal to the deeds of eighty months. Muslims should remember Allah in excess on this day and recite Durood and Salaam on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) many times and give more for the expenses of his family members.”

Narrated by: Imam jafar(as)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, 261

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/133/2

Posted By: Khadim Gumnaam

Ali(as) and Rasool(pbuh) are fathers of Ummah!

O `Ali! You are my brother, my inheritor, my deputy, and my vicegerent (khalifa) among my family and my Nation, in my lifetime and after my death. Love for you is love for me, and hatred for you is hatred for me. O `Ali! You and I are the two fathers of this Nation. O `Ali! I, yourself, and the Imams from your descendants are masters in this life and kings in the Hereafter. He who recognizes us has recognized Allah, and he who denies us has denied Allah.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)

Reference: Al Amali by Shaikh Al Saduq, H1047

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/29/1/94/6

Posted By: Khadim Gumnaam

Seeking knowledge

"Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. Let it be known that Allah loves those who seek knowledge."

Narrated by: Rasool e khuda (s.a.w.s)

Reference: Al-kafi volume 1 chapter 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

Prosperous Be the One Who is Indifferent

“Blessed be one who looks indifferent. He seems to be with the people, but he doesn’t really follow their deeds. The people know him on the surface but they do not know what goes on within him.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 88

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/88/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

About the Words of Allah (10:64).

A man asked the Rasool Allah (saww) about the statment of Allah (azwj) : : "[10:64] They shall have good news in the world's life", he (saww) said: 'This is the good dream which the believer sees, so he receives good news by it in this world'.

Narrated by: Imam Al-Baqir (a.s)

Reference: Al-Kafi Volume 8, Chapter 60

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

In Every Family Allah Places his Proof.

Al-Fazl Bin Ismail Al-Hashimy, from his father who said:'I complained to Abu Abdullah (a.s) of what I had faced from my family from their taking their religion lightly. 'So he said:'O Ismail, do not abhor that from your family , for Allah has made for every family a proof by which He (azwj) will argue against his faithless family on the day of judgement. So He will say to them: " Did you not see so and so among you? Did you not see his guidance among you? Did you not see his prayers among you? Did you not see his religion? Did you not follow it? So he will become a proof against them on the day of judgement.'

Narrated by: Imam Hussain (a.s).

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, Chapter 42

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

The Most Prestigious Person to Allah (azwj).

"The most beloved of you all to Allah is the one with the best deeds, and the greatest one of you in the sight of Allah is the one who has the greatest interest in what is with Allah, and the safest one of you from the punishment of Allah is the one who is the most intense in his fear of Allah, and the nearest one of you to Allah is the one who is the most moral one, and the one with whom Allah is most pleased with is the one who bestows the most upon his family, and the most prestigious one of you to Allah is the one who is the most pious one to Allah".

Narrated by: Imam Zain ul-Abideen

Reference: Al-Kafi volume 8, Chapter 24

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

Defining True Intellect vs Devilry

'What is intellect (al-'Aql)?'. He said, ‘It is what someone worships ar-Rahman with and attains paradise.’ I then asked, 'What was the thing within Mu'awiya?'. He replied, ‘That was heinousness, that was devilry and it is similar to the intellect but it is not intellect.’

Narrated by: Imam Jafar -e- Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Al-kafi

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/1/0/3

Posted By: Al-Haya

Dying with Love of Ali

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, held my hand and said: "Whoever dutifully performed the five (daily) prayers, and then died with your love in his heart, he will have redeemed his pledge. And whoever died with hatred for you, died a death of ignorance (i.e. the era before Islam), though he will account for his deeds as ordained by Islam. And he who lives after you, with your love in his heart, Allah will end his life with security and faith, till he arrives near me at the Pool."

Narrated by: Ameerul Momineen(as)

Reference: Al-Amali by Shaykh Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Mufīd, H7

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/13/1/7/1

Posted By: Khadim gumnaam

A Gift Will Eliminate Animosities

“Giving a gift before asking for something is good. Exchange gifts and be friends since giving gifts will eliminate animosities.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 87

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/87/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

If three things are found in a person, then there is no hope for goodness from him.

"Three things, which if they are not in someone, so there is no goodness from him-The one who is never ashamed of the faults, and never fears Allah (azwj) for the Hidden, and never becomes pious during the old age".

Narrated by: Imam Hussain (a.s) said,

Reference: Al-kafi volume 8, chapter 271.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/8

Posted By: Servant of hujjat.

Nothing Ruins Faith as Much as One Characteristic Does

“Nothing ruins faith as much as greed does. Greed has a crawling similar to the crawling of ants, and it has branches similar to the branches of polytheism.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Prophet's Messenger (sww) Said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 83

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/83/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

"Mastering Speech Discipline"

Know that the tongue is a part of a man's body. If the man desists, speech will not co-operate with him and when he dilates, speech will not give him time to stop. Certainly, we are the masters of speaking. Its veins are fixed in us and its branches are hanging over us.

Narrated by: Ameerul Momineen(as)

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 231

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FNehjulBalagha-English.pdf

Posted By: Khadim gumnaam

Sea water is Clean!

abu Bakr al-Hadramiy who has said the following: “I once asked abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s), ‘Is sea water clean?’ He (the Imam) replied, ‘Yes, it is clean.’”

Narrated by: Imam Jafar As Sadeq(as)

Reference: Al Kafi, Vol 3(al-furu), hadith 5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/3/1/1/5

Posted By: Khadim gumnaam

Al-Qaim (ajfj) will Rise with a Sword.

"It is as if I am with the shias during their having lost the third of my sons. They are seeking the pastures but are not finding it" I said to him, 'And why is that so, O son of Rasool-Allah (saww)? He said because their Imam would be hidden from them'. I said , 'And why?' He said:"Lest there would happen to be an allegiance in his neck for anyone when he (ajfj) does rise with sword."

Narrated by: Imam Al-Reza (a.s) said,

Reference: Bihar Al-Anwar volume 51, chapter 13, hadith 1

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of hujjat.

A characteristic that leads to hypocrisy and poverty

"“Singing will lead to hypocrisy and result in poverty.”"

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 74

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/74/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

"The Spiritual Kinship Among Believers"

Souls are grouped in batches; they look out for each other like horses. They feel familiar with those whom they know well and disagree with those whom they disapprove of. If a believer entered a mosque filled with people amongst whom there was but one another believer, his soul would incline towards that believer until he would go and sit beside him.

Narrated by: Imam Hussain Ibn Ali(a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

A characteristic that increases daily breead

“A sin that will not be forgiven is one that a person commits and says, ‘I wish I was not questioned about any deeds other than this one.’”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Jafer al Baqir (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 73

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/73/2

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Characteristics that increases daily bread

“Washing hands before and after every meal will increase your share of daily bread.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 73

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/73/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

"The Consequences of Spreading Indecency"

One who spreads an indecency is like the one who started it; and one who dishonors a believer of something will not die until he perpetrates it himself.

Narrated by: Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

The one who will follow Al-Qaim (ajfj) will attain Salvation.

"The hour will not be established until Al-Qaim (establisher) of the truth from us, rises and that is when there will be permission of Allah Mighty and Majestic for him , and the one who follows him would attain salvation, and the one staying behind from him would be destroyed. Allah! Allah! Servants of Allah! Go to him and even if it be upon the snow , for he is a caliph of Allah Mighty and Majestic and my caliph".

Narrated by: Rasool-Allah (saww) said,

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 6, hadith 2.

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of hujjat.

Disagreement among the shia during disappearance

“That matter (the appearance of al-Qa’im) will not occur until a time comes that you spit at the face of each other, curse each other and call each other as liars.”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

The rising of As Sufyani

“Matters are of two kinds; pending and inevitable. The rising of as-Sufyani is inevitable that must occur.”

Narrated by: Imam Baqar (A.s)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Allah shall avenge Imam Hussain's Blood through Al-Qaim (ajfj)

"When it happened from the matter of Al-Hussain (a.s) what happened, the angels clamoured to Allah the Exalted and said: 'O Lord! This has been done with your elite and son of your Prophet Al-Hussain!". He said: "so Allah established for them a shadow of Al-Qaim (ajfj) and said: "By this one I shall Avenge for him from his oppressors".

Narrated by: Imam Sadiq (a.s) said,

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 6, hadith, 8

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat.

The Hidden Wisdom in Allah's Decrees

“When Allah decides to honor a servant but the servant has committed sins, He afflicts him with an ailment. If not that, He puts him in need; and if not that, He intensifies the severity of his death (in order that his sins may be forgiven). And when He decides to disgrace a person who has done some good, He bestows him with well-being. If not that, He amplifies his livelihood; and if not that, He makes his death easy.”

Narrated by: Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

Al-Mahdi (ajfj) is from Prophet Muhammad's (saww) Household.

"Al-Mahdi (ajfj) is from my family, from the people of my household. He will emerge at the end of times. The sky would send down its drops for him and the earth would bring forth its vegetation. He will fill the earth with justice and fairness just as the people would have filled it with injustice and tyranny".

Narrated by: Rasool-Allah (saww) said,

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 6, hadith 25

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

The signs preceding the appearance

"The inevitable things that must occur before the appearance of al-Qa’im (Ajtf) are the rising of as-Sufyani, the sinking of the desert, killing the pure innocent man and the call that will come from the Heaven.”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Humility and Arrogance

‘I would not like to have [even] the best of comforts [and wealth] if it entails humiliating myself, and I have not swallowed anything that I liked more than the suppressed rage for which I do not retaliate against the one who caused it.’”

Narrated by: Imam Ali Ibne Husayn (a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 10

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Humility and Arrogance

‘I do not like an old man who is ignorant, nor a rich man who is oppressive, nor a poor man who is vain.’”

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s)

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 10

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Al-Qaim (ajfj) is the Lonely

"The Master (ajfj) of this command is the homeless, the fugitive, the lone, the lonely".

Narrated by: Amir Al-Momineen (a.s)

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 7, Hadith 21

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of Hujjat

Whoever is Pleased with His Destiny or is Displeased with it

“What is destined will happen to whoever is pleased with his destiny, and he will be rewarded. However, what is destined will happen to whoever is displeased with his destiny but God will cancel his reward.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations,Aba Abdullah Ja’far ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (MGB) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 71

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/71/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

The Reward of one who Feeds a Believer, Quenches his Thirst, Clothes him or Pays off his Debt

Whoever feeds a hungry believer, Allah will feed him with the fruits of Paradise; and whoever gives a drink to a thirsty believer, Allah will quench his thirst (on the Day of Judgment) with an exquisite drink of Paradise; and whoever clothes a believer, Allah will clothe him with a green robe of Paradise. According to another tradition, the Imam said: Whoever clothes a believer will remain under the security of Allah as long as a thread of the cloth remains.

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn hussain (a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

The signs preceding the appearance

“Before the year of the cry (from the Heaven), there will be a sign in the month of Rajab.” He was asked: “What is it?” He said: “A face will appear on the moon and a protruding hand.”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Al Hujjah (Ajtf) must appear

“If there are no people on the earth except two men, one of them must be al-Hujjah (Imam al-Mahdi AJTS).”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Three Angels will be with Al-Qaim (ajfj) and He will have the Flag of Rasool-Allah(saww).

"O Abu khalid! The fitna shall come like a piece of the dark night. No one would be safe from it except the one Allah has taken his covenent. They are the lamps of guidance, and springs of knowlege. Allah will save them from every dark Fitna. It is as if I am with your master (ajfj) who is at the top of your najaf, at the outback of kufa among three hundred and some ten men. Jibraeel (a.s) is on his right, and Mikaeel (a.s) on his left, and Israfeel (a.s) in front of him. The flag of Rasool-Allah (saww) is with him, He is spreading it. He does not go to the people, except Allah Mighty and Majestic would destroy them".

Narrated by: Imam Zain Ul-Abideen (a.s) said,

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 8, hadith 3

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of hujjat.

The army of anger

“The companions of Talut have been tried by the river. Allah has said, ‘Allah will try you by a river.’ The companions of al-Qa’im also will be tried like that.”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Al-Qaim (ajfj) is the One Whose Inheritance would be Distributed while He is Still Alive.

"Qaim (ajfj) of this community, he is the ninth from my sons, and he is the one with the occultation, and he is the one whose inheritance would be distributed while he is still alive".

Narrated by: Imam Hussain (a.s) said,

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 7, hadith 3

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of hujjat.

The army of anger

While the young men of the Shia are sleeping on the roofs of their houses, they will be taken to their companion (al-Qa’im) within the same night without any appointment. In the morning they will find themselves in Mecca.”

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Neglecting brother's need

Any believer that disappoints his brother while he is able to help him, Allah will desert him in the world and the hereafter.

Narrated by: Imam Hussain Ibn Ali(a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

Al-Qaim (ajfj) will Come like a Piercing Meteor.

"Surely, by Allah (azwj)! Your Mahdi (ajwj) would be hidden from you all until the ignorant one from you would say, 'There is no need for Allah regarding the Progeny of Muhammad (saww)! Then he will come back like the piercing meteor. He will fill it (earth) with justice and fairness just as it would have been filled with tyranny and injustice".

Narrated by: Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s).

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, Chapter 10, Hadith 12.

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant Of Hujjat.

Knowing one's imam

"Know your imam because if you know him, it does not harm you whether deliverance comes soon or late."

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Reward of seeking knowledge

If only people knew how much reward there is for seeking knowledge, they would have sought it even if they would have had to shed their blood for it or dive in large waves.

Narrated by: -Zainul Abideen

Reference: Alkafi, vol 1, H64

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/4/5

Posted By: khadim gumnaam

Reward of seeking knowledge

If only people knew how much reward there is for seeking knowledge, they would have sought it even if they would have had to shed their blood for it or dive in large waves.

Narrated by: -Zainul Abideen

Reference: Alkafi, vol 1, H64

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/4/5

Posted By: khadim gumnaam

knowledge is Must!

Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. Let it be known that Allah loves those who seek knowledge.

Narrated by: -Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Al-kafi, vol1, chapter 1, hadith 38

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/2/1/1

Posted By: khadim gumnaam

World's Betrayal

He who leans on the world gets nothing out of it except the pain of hardships.

Narrated by: -Ameerul Momineen

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, Hadith 359

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FNehjulBalagha-English.pdf

Posted By: khadim gumnaam

wealth VS knowledge

Knowledge is the ruler while wealth is ruled upon

Narrated by: -Ameerul Momineen

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, Hadith 146

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FNehjulBalagha-English.pdf

Posted By: Alkarbala

Dying the Death of Pre-Islamic Period.

"One who denies Al-Qaim (ajfj) from my sons during the time of his occultation, dies a death of pre-islamic period".

Narrated by: Rasool-Allah (saww) said,

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 6, hadith 21.

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Servant of hujjat.

Preserving the secrets of Prophet's (SAWW) family.

"He who spreads our (secret) traditions, is like one, who denies our right."

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

Preserving the secrets of Prophet's (SAWW) family.

"He who spreads our (secret) traditions, is like one, who denies our right."

Narrated by: Imam as Sadiq (As)

Reference: Kitab al Ghayba

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/22/2/1/6

Posted By: Believer

The Fourteen Noors.

"Allah Blessed and Exalted created fourteen Noors fourteen thousand years before He created the creation. These are our souls". It was said to him, " Oh son of Rasool-Allah! And who are the fourteen? " He said: "muhammd (saww), and Ali(a.s) and Syeda Fatima (a.s), and Al-Hassan (a.s), and Al-Hussain (a.s) , their last one being Al-Qaim (ajfj) who will be rising after his, He will be killing Al-Dajjal and purify the earth from every tyranny and injustice".

Narrated by: Imam Al-Sadiq.

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 10, hadith 9.

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms. Jaffary.

Bond between believers

Believers are like brothers from one father and mother; when one of them is struck, the others lose sleep.

Narrated by: Imam Hussain Ibn Ali(a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

The Reason Behind his (ajfj) Names.

When Al-Qaim (ajfj) makes stand, he will call the people to a new Al-Islam and guide them to a matter which would have been muffled, and most of the people would have strayed away from it, and rather he has been named as 'Al-Qaim Mahdi' because he would be guiding to a matter they would have strayed away from it, and he has been named as 'Al-Qaim' due to his making a stand with the truth".

Narrated by: Imam Hussain (a.s)

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, Chapter 2, Hadith 7

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms. Jaffary

Whoever Denies Al-Qaim (ajfj), Denies Rasool-Allah (saww).

"One who denies Al-Qaim (ajfj) from my sons, so he has denied me.

Narrated by: Rasool-Allah said,

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 6, hadith 20.

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms. Jaffary

Fulfilling the needs of a Muslim brother

One who takes one step in fulfilling the need of his Muslim brother, Allah writes for him ten good deeds and it is better for him than freeing ten slaves, and fasting for a month and performing i'tikaf (isolation for worship) in the Sacred Mosque (of Makkah)

Narrated by: Imam Mohammed Ibn Ali (a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

Abstinence of world

O people ! look at the world like those who abstain from it, and turn away from it. By Allāh, it would shortly turn out its inhabitants and cause grief to the happy and the safe.

Narrated by: -Ameerul Momineen

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, H391

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/32/3/412/513

Posted By: Ibn Taqi

Wilayah of Ahlulbayt

By Allah (azwj)! If the man were to Fast during the day, and stand up (for Prayer) during the night, then meets Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic without our (a.s) Wilayah, (the People (a.s) of the Household) he then would be facing Him (azwj) (in such that) Allah (azwj) would either be Unhappy with him or Angry against him’

Narrated by: -Imam jafar(as)

Reference: Alkafi, V8, H80

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/8/1/80/1

Posted By: Ibn Taqi

Description of Imam Al-mahdi (ajfj)

"Al-Mahdi (ajfj) is a man from the sons of Syeda Fatima (a.s), and he is a dark colored man". His description is - A tall young man, handsome face, and the hair is flowing upon his shoulders, curved of nose, clear of forehead. It is said he disappeared into the basement, and the guards were upon him, and happened in the year two hundred and seventy six".

Narrated by: Imam Baqir (a.s) said.

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, chapter 4, hadith 33.

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms. Jaffary

The Two Angels and what they Record

Abā ʿAbdillāh (a.s) say, ‘There is no person but that with him are two angels who write whatever he utters, then they send that up to two [other] angels above them who record what was good or evil from it, and cast aside anything other than that.’”

Narrated by: Zurārah

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 9

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

The long Period of Occultation of Al-Qaim (ajwj).

I heard Al-Hassan Bin Ali Al-Askari (a.s) saying: 'My son, he is Al-Qaim (ajfj) from after me, and he is the one in whom flows the sunnahs of Prophets, with the age and the occultation, until the hearts would harden due to the length of the period, and no one would be steadfast upon the word except the one Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic has written the Eman in his heart, and Aids him with a spirit from him' .

Narrated by: From a chain of narrators Al-Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Salih Al Bazzaz who heard Imam Al-Hassan Bin Ali Al-Askari (a.s) saying.

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, Chapter 18, Hadith no 11

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms. Jaffary

He has the Sunnahs of 7 Prophets.

I heard Imam Zain ul-Abideen saying: " In Al-Qaim (ajfj) from us there are Sunnahs from the Prophets - a Sunnah from Adam (a.s), and a Sunnah from Nuh (a.s), and a Sunnah from Ibrahim (a.s), and a Sunnah from Musa (a.s), and a Sunnah from Isa (a.s), and a Sunnah from Ayoub (a.s), and a Sunnah from Muhammad (saww). As for from Adam (a.s) and Nuh (a.s), it is the long life; and as for from Ibrahim (a.s), it is the hidden birth and isolation from the people; and as for from Musa (a.s), it is the fear and absence; and as for from Isa (a.s), it is the differing of the people regarding him; and as for from Ayoub (a.s), it is the relief after the afflictions; and as for from Muhammad (saww), it the rising with the sword".

Narrated by: From a chain of narrators Saeed Bin Jubeyr who heard Imam Zain ul-Abideen saying.

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51, Chapter 18, Hadith no 4.

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms.Jaffary.

Feeding A Believer

Feeding four Muslims is equal to freeing a slave from the descendants of Prophet Ishmael.

Narrated by: Imam Mohammed Ibn Ali(a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

If You Hear Of Him (ajwj) ,Then Go To Him (ajwj) , Even if you have to Crawl upon the snow.

From Imam Al-Baqir (a.s) , he (the Narrator) said ," He (a.s) said to me:"o Abu Al-Jaroud ! When the planets rotate (time passes by) , and the people say, " Al-Qaim (ajfj) has died, or destroyed or in which valley did he (ajfj) travel", and the seeker said, "how can that happen, and his bones would have decayed" ,then during that wish for him. when you hear of him (ajfj) then go to him (ajfj) and even you have to crawl upon the snow.

Narrated by: From a chain of narrators Abu Al-Jaroud said .

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51 , Chapter 9, Hadith no 1

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms.Jaffary.

The Prophet ﷺ and Ali Ibn Abi Talib Were Created from the Same Root

“The people were created from several roots. Ibn Abi Talib and I were created from the same root. Ali is my trunk, and Ja’far is my branch.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, on the authority of Abi Ja’far al-Baqir (MGB) that God’s Prophet (MGB) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 63

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/63/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Crying out of Fear of Allah

Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from Manṣūr ibn Yūnus, from Ṣāliḥ ibn Razīn and others, from Abū ʿAbdillāh (a.s) who said, “Every eye will be weeping on the Day of Judgment except three eyes: the eye that lowered its gaze from what Allah had forbidden, or the eye that stayed awake in the worship of Allah, or the eye that wept in the middle of the night out of the fear of Allah.”

Narrated by: Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from Manṣūr ibn Yūnus, from Ṣāliḥ ibn Razīn

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 13

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Crying out of Fear of Allah

Faḍālah narrated from Abān ibn ʿUthmān, from Ghaylān who attributed it to Abū Jaʿfar (a.s) saying, “There is no eye that is welled up with tears out of fear of Allah but that He makes it forbidden to the Fire. If its tears then flow upon the cheeks of its owner, neither gloom nor disgrace will cover his face. There is nothing but that it has a measure, except tears; for verily a single drop of it can extinguish seas of fire. If a man were to weep among his nation and a teardrop fell from him, they would all be shown mercy due to his weeping.”

Narrated by: Faḍālah narrated from Abān ibn ʿUthmān, from Ghaylān

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 13

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil

ʿUthmān ibn ʿĪsā narrated from Furāt ibn Aḥnaf, from Abū ʿAbdillāh (a.s) who said, “Woe be to the one who enjoins evil and forbids good.”

Narrated by: ʿUthmān ibn ʿĪsā narrated from Furāt ibn Aḥnaf,

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 20

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil

ʿAlī ibn al-Nuʿmān narrated from Dāwūd ibn Abī Yazīd, from Abū Shaybah al-Zuhrī, from one of the two [Imams] (a.s) who said, “Woe be to the community that does not worship Allah through enjoining good and forbidding evil.”

Narrated by: ʿAlī ibn al-Nuʿmān narrated from Dāwūd ibn Abī Yazīd, from Abū Shaybah al-Zuhrī

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 20

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

The Rights of Neighbors

ʿAbdullāh ibn Muḥammad narrated from ʿAlī ibn Isḥāq, from Ibrāhīm ibn Abī Rajāʾ who said, “Abū ʿAbdillāh (a.s) said, ‘Being a good neighbour leads to increase in [one’s] sustenance.’”

Narrated by: ʿAbdullāh ibn Muḥammad narrated from ʿAlī ibn Isḥāq, from Ibrāhīm ibn Abī Rajāʾ

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 6

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

The Rights of Neighbors

Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn narrated from Muḥammad ibn al- Fuḍayl, from Isḥāq ibn ʿAmmār who said, “Abū ʿAbdillāh (a.s) said, ‘The Messenger of Allah (ṣ) said, “I seek Allah’s protection from a bad neighbour in a residential abode – his eyes watch you and his heart scrutinises you. If he sees you [happy and] well, it upsets him and if he sees you in trouble, it pleases him.”’”

Narrated by: Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn narrated from Muḥammad ibn al- Fuḍayl, from Isḥāq ibn ʿAmmār

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 6

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Reward Of Patience

“Anyone of our Shi'ah who is afflicted by Allah with a trial and bears it with patience shall have the reward of one thousand martyrs.”

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

Reward Of Patience

“Anyone of our Shi'ah who is afflicted by Allah with a trial and bears it with patience shall have the reward of one thousand martyrs.”

Narrated by: Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Al-Haya

Kindness to Parents, Relatives, Kinsfolk and Severance of Ties

Ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from al-Ḥusayn, from ʿUthmān, from the one who mentioned it, from Abū ʿAbdillāh (a.s) who said, “Verily keeping ties with close relatives purifies one’s deeds, makes the accounting easy, wards off afflictions, and increases one’s lifespan.”

Narrated by: Ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from al-Ḥusayn, from ʿUthmān,

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Kindness to Parents, Relatives, Kinsfolk and Severance of Ties

Al-Ḥusayn ibn Saʿīd narrated to us saying, “Ṣafwān narrated to us from Isḥāq ibn Ghālib, from his father, from Abū Jaʿfar (a.s) who said, ‘Kindness [to parents] and charity given secretly dispel poverty, increase lifespans, and protect one from seventy dreadful types of death.’”

Narrated by: .Al-Ḥusayn ibn Saʿīd, Ṣafwān, Isḥāq ibn Ghālib

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Virtue and Vice

.Ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from one of his companions, from Abū ʿAbdillāh (a.s) who said, “Do good to one who is worthy and one who is not worthy, for indeed if he is unworthy, then surely you are worthy.”

Narrated by: Ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from one of his companions,

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 4

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Virtue and Vice

Ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from Manṣūr, from Isḥāq ibn ʿAmmār, from Abū ʿAbdillāh (a.s) who said, “Verily Paradise has a gate that is called ‘the Gate of Goodness’, and none shall enter it except those who did good [to others].”

Narrated by: Ibn Abī ʿUmayr narrated from Manṣūr, from Isḥāq ibn ʿAmmār,

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 4

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

Virtue and Vice

Ibrāhīm ibn Abī al-Bilād narrated from his father, who attributed it to the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) that he said, “Whoever asks you by Allah, give to him; and whoever does a good turn to you, recompense him. If you do not find anything to recompense him with, then pray to Allah for him [continually] until you feel sure that you have recompensed him [thereby].”

Narrated by: Ibrāhīm ibn Abī al-Bilād

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 4

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

On Etiquette and Encouraging Others to do Good.

ʿUthmān ibn ʿĪsā narrated from Samāʿah who said, “I heard Abā alḤasan Mūsā (a.s) saying, ‘Do not consider [your] many good deeds as abundant, and do not consider [your] few sins as paltry, for verily sins that are few keep accumulating until they become many. And fear Allah in [both] private and public, until you behave in a fair manner [with others]. Hasten towards the obedience of Allah, be truthful in speech, and fulfil the trust [that is entrusted to you], for indeed this is for your own benefit. Do not oppress [anyone] and do not enter into that which is impermissible for you, as that is to your detriment.’”

Narrated by: ʿUthmān ibn ʿĪsā narrated from Samāʿah

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

On Etiquette and Encouraging Others to do Good.

ʿUthmān ibn ʿĪsā narrated from Samāʿah who said, “I heard Abā ʿAbdillāh (a.s) saying to a man, ‘Why is it that you hurt the Messenger of Allah (ṣ)?’ So the man said to him, ‘May I be your ransom! How do we hurt him?’ He said, ‘Do you not know that your actions are presented to him? So when he sees that they contain [acts of] disobedience to Allah, that hurts him. Do not hurt the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) and please him [instead (by your good deeds)].’”

Narrated by: ʿUthmān ibn ʿĪsā narrated from Samāʿah

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

He (ajfj) Will Fill The World With Justice And Fairness.

I heard AL-Hussain Bin ALI (a.s) saying : "Even if there does not remain from the world except for one day , Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic would prolong that day until a man from my sons emerges. He (ajfj) will fill it justice and fairness just as it would have been filled with tyranny and injustice . Like that , i have heard Rasool-Allah (saww) saying".

Narrated by: Abdullah Bin Umar who heard IMAM Hussain (a.s) saying

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51 , Chapter 7, Hadith no 5

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms.Jaffary.

On silence Except when Speaking what is Good, Abandonment of what does not concern one, and Slander

The Messenger of Allah (ṣ) said, ‘Who will guarantee four things for me in return for four houses in Paradise? [To] give charity without fear of poverty, treat all people with fairness, spread [the message of] peace in the world, and eschew argumentation even when you are right.’”

Narrated by: Muḥammad ibn Sinān narrated from Muʿāwiyah ibn Wahb, from AbūʿAbdillāh (a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd Book 2 Chapter 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/31

Posted By: servantofhujjat@alkarbala.org

The person who will be in the same rank as Amir Al-Momineen (a.s) in the day of Qiyamah.

Amir Al-Momineen (a.s) said : For Al-Qaim (ajfj) from us , there would be an occultation whose period would be long . It is as if i am with the Shias roaming the roaming of eagles during his occultation seeking the pastures, but they will not be fining it. Indeed ! The one from them who is steadfast upon his religion, and did not harden his heart due to the prolonged period of his occultation of his imamate , he would be with me in my rank on the day of Qiyamah.

Narrated by: from the chain of narrations , Amir Al momineen (a.s) said

Reference: Bihar Al Anwar volume 51 , Chapter 2, Hadith no 11

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V51.pdf

Posted By: Ms.Jaffary.


It has been narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said “If a believer knew what reward lies for him in suffering tribulations, he would wish he could be cut into pieces with a scissor.”

Narrated by: Imam Sadiq(a.s)

Reference: Kitab Al-Mu'min

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/30

Posted By: Kaneez e masooma


Awaaz ko dheemi rakhna, aankhon ko jhukaye rakhna, chalne me miyanrawi Ikhtiyaar karna imaan ki aur mardangi ki alamat hai aur behtareen deendari hai

Narrated by: Imam Ali(as)

Reference: Mizan al hikmah, 3712/13

Referred Link: N/a

Posted By: Alkarbala

A Characteristic That if Practiced Implies Despise for Muhammad’s Religion

“Whoever practices fortune-telling or goes to see a fortune-teller indeed despises Muhammad’s religion.” Then he was asked, “What about physiognomy ?” He replied, “I do not like you to go to see them, even though what they say may be close to reality. Physiognomy is a remnant of Prophethood leftover for the people.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations,Abu Abdullah As Sadiq as said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 59

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/59/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

A Characteristic That if Practiced Implies Despise for Muhammad’s Religion

“Whoever practices fortune-telling or goes to see a fortune-teller indeed despises Muhammad’s religion.” Then he was asked, “What about physiognomy ?” He replied, “I do not like you to go to see them, even though what they say may be close to reality. Physiognomy is a remnant of Prophethood leftover for the people.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, on the authority of Abi Basir that Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (MGB),

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 59

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/59/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Divine Reward: The Blessings of Tears Shed for Imam Husain (a.s.)

Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates that Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) said, “One who cries for Imam Husain (a.s.) and his cheeks Almighty Allah would give him a place on a high apartment where he would live in peace for years. One who cries on the troubles given to us by our enemies in this world and his tears fall on his cheeks, the Almighty Allah would grant him a place in Maqam-e-Sidq. If a believer bears difficulties and becomes aggrieved for the calamities, which we have suffered, his eyes become wet, tears flow on cheeks, Allah would remove sufferings from his face and keep him safe from difficulties and chastisement on the Day of Judgment.”

Narrated by: Abu Muhammad(II) Imam Ali al-Zainul Abideen (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of mourning over the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) and the calamities of Ahle Bayt (a.s.), Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/145/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Imam Ali's Revelation: Unraveling the Meaning Behind Allah's Side

The Commander of the Faithful (AS) said, “I am the knowledge of Allah. I am the containing heart of Allah. I am the speaking tongue of Allah. I am the Eye of Allah. I am on the side of Allah. And I am the hand of Allah.” The compiler (RA) of this book says: When `Ali (AS) says that `I am the heart of Allah that contains,” he means that “I am the heart that Allah has made a container for His knowledge and made obedient to Him.” The heart is a creation of Allah, the Mighty and High, in the same sense that `Ali is a servant of Allah, the Mighty and High. One says “the Heart of Allah” [qalb Allah] in the same way that one says “the Servant of Allah,” “the House of Allah,” “Allah’s Paradise,” and “Allah’s Hell.” As for `Ali’s statement that “I am the Eye of Allah,” he means that he is the one who watches over the religion of Allah. Similarly, the Mighty and High have said, `Sailing before our eyes,’1 which means “with our observation.” The Mighty and High have also said, `And that you might be brought up before My eyes,’2 which means `with My Observance.”

Narrated by: Abul-Hasan(I) Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Meaning of Allah’s Side, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/22/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Most Pious, the Best Worshipping, the Most Ascetic and the Most Hard-Working People

“The most pious person is one who stops when in doubt. The best worshipping person is one who performs the obligatory deeds. The most ascetic person is one who abandons the forbidden, and the most hard-working person is one who abandons sinning.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, aba Abdullah as Sadiq pbuh said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 48

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/48/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Divine Decree: Paradise for the Mirror Gazers

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: The Almighty Allah has decreed paradise for those youths who look in the mirror and praise Allah much.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad (sawa)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of praising Allah much while looking in the mirror, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/55/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Unfathomable Essence: Understanding the Nature of Allahﷻ

An atheist asked Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (AS), “What is He?” He (AS) replied: He is a Thing unlike other things. If you consider the meaning of the word “thing,” He is indeed a thing by definition [al-shay’iyyah], with the exception that he has neither substance nor shape.

Narrated by: Imam Abu `Abd Allah (II) Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Blessed and Exalted is a Thing, Hadith #2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/7/2

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Nothing Deserves to Be Restrained More Than the Tongue

“Restrain your tongue more than anything else.”

Narrated by: Commander of faithful Ali as said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 43

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/43

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

A Characteristic that One Should Have If He Wants to Increase Goodness in His House

Whoever wants to have an increase in goodness in his house should make ablutions before eating.”

Narrated by: Commander of faithful, Ali (as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 37

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/37

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Transient Affections

‘Love lightly the one who loves you, perhaps he will be hating you one day, and hate lightly the one who hates you, perhaps he will become loving you one day’

Narrated by: -Ameerul momineen

Reference: bihar ul anwar, vo 75, ch 16, H6

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FBiharAlAnwaar_V75.pdf

Posted By: Ibn taqi

A Characteristic Due to One’s Chivalry

“Considering the public’s interest regarding one’s property is due to manliness.”

Narrated by: God's Prophet (sww) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 28

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/28/1

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

"Satanic Yawning, Divine Sneezing"

Yawning is from Satan and sneezing is from Allah.

Narrated by: Imam Reza(as)

Reference: Al Kafi, Vol 2, Hadith 2224

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/2/4/15/5

Posted By: Ibn Taqi

Divine Assurance: Belief as the Key to Divine Proximity

It is narrated from Mufaddal bin Umar that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said, “The Almighty Allah has guaranteed a thing for a believer.” Mufaddal asked, “O master! What is that?” Imam (a.s.) replied, “One who has belief in the Lordship of Allah, prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), imamate of Ali (a.s.), and fulfills the obligatory deeds, Allah will keep him near Himself forever, and He won’t remain hidden from that person.” Mufaddal said, “By God, this grace is not like that of humans.” Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said, “You can earn many rewards even if you perform a few good deeds.”

Narrated by: Imam Abu `Abd Allah (II) Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of acknowledging the Lordship of Allah, Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), Imamate of Ali (a.s.) and fulfilling religious obligations, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/28/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Essence of Knowledge: Understanding Allah'sﷻ Omniscience

Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS) said the following concerning knowledge: “It is like your hand is from you.” Muhammad ibn `Ali, the compiler of this book, says: This tradition means that the knowledge of Allah is not other than Him and is part of His essential attributes because Allah, the Mighty and High, is All-Knowing, All-Hearing, and All-Seeing. On the contrary, our intent in attributing Him knowledge is to negate ignorance from Him. We do not say, “Knowledge is separate from Him,” since “Allah has always been Omniscient.” If we said that His knowledge is separate from Him, we would be saying that something eternal has always existed alongside Him. Exalted is Allah, the Elevated and Great, from such things!

Narrated by: Imam Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, Knowledge, Hadith #4

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/10/4

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Form of Chivalry of the Members of the Holy Household

‘We are members of a Household whose chivalry is to forgive those who have oppressed us.’”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq as said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 27

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/27

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Two Hungry Ones Who Would Never Get Satiated

There are two hungry ones who would never get satiated: those who are eager to learn (would never get satiated with knowledge), and those who are greedy for money (would never get satiated with wealth).

Narrated by: Prophet Mohammad pbuh

Reference: Al Khisal, Book 3, Chapter 55

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/3/55/1

Posted By: Haider

A Characteristic That Guarantees Who Will Not Become Poor

‘I guarantee that whoever is frugal will never become poor.’”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, Aba Abdullah as Sadiq as said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 26

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/26

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

God Will Look at Whom He Likes. Once He Looks at Him, He Shall Grant Him One of Three Gifts

“When God likes someone, He will look at him. When He looks at him, He will grant him one of three gifts: a headache, fever, or eye pain.”

Narrated by: Imam baqir

Reference: Al Khisal, Book 2, Chapter 38

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/38/1

Posted By: Haider

A Good Characteristic Which No Other Characteristic Is Better Than, and a Bad Characteristic That No Other Characteristic Is Worse Than

“There is one good characteristic that is better than any other good characteristic. However, there are no characteristics better than getting killed in the way of the Honorable the Exalted God. There is some ingratitude that is worse than any other kinds of ingratitude. However, there is no ingratitude worse than killing one’s parents.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Prophet's Messenger (sww) Said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 25

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/25

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

A characteristic that is the result of being kind

“There is a result for everything. The result of being kind is to speed up turning on the light.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, Imam Baqir(as) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 22

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/22

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

A characteristic that destroys a believers dignity

“Walking in a rush will destroy a believer’s dignity.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, Ibrahim ibn Abdul-Hamid that Abil Hassan Al-Kadhim (MGB) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 24

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/24

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

A Characteristic that Stabilizes One’s Faith and One that Makes Him Lose His Faith

“What stabilizes a servant’s faith?” He (MGB) replied, “What stabilizes his faith is piety, and what makes him lose his faith is greed.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, Aban ibn Savid asked Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (MGB),

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 23

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/23

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Immutable Essence: Contemplating the Eternal Aspect of Allahﷻ

on the authority of Abu Hamzah that I asked Abu Ja`far al-baqir (AS) about the Word of Allah, the Mighty and High: Everything is perishable but He (His Face). He (AS) replied,Everything will perish, but the face [al-wajh] will remain. Verily, Allah, the Mighty and High, is greater than being attributed with a face. However, the meaning of this is that everything will perish except His religion and face, from which He bestows."

Narrated by: Imam Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Commentary of verse 88 of Chapter 28 the Narrative [al-Qasas] Everything is perishable but He., Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/12/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Angelic Attendance: The Majesty of Offering Salah with Azaan and Iqamah

Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says, “One who offers Salaat after saying Azaan and Iqamah two rows of angels pray behind him. If a person offers Salaat after saying Iqamah only, one row of angels prays behind him.” The narrator asked, “How wide is that row?” Imam (a.s.) replied, “The shortest is from east to west and the longest from earth to heaven.”

Narrated by: Imam Abu `AbdAllah al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of offering Salaat along with Azaan and Iqamah, Hadith #2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/81/2

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Three Whom God Shall Not Talk to, Look at, or Purify

‘There are three to whom God shall not Talk to, Look at, or Purify on the Resurrection Day. They shall suffer from a great punishment. They are the one who picks at his white beard, the one who masturbates and the one who is gay.’

Narrated by: Imam Jaffar a.s

Reference: Al Khisal, Book 4, Chapter 55

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/4/55/1

Posted By: Haider

Complete Gratitude: The Power of Reciting "Al-hamdulillahi ala kulli ni'matin..."

Abi Abdillah (AS) said: “One who recites "Al-h’amdulillaahi a’laa kulli ni’matin kaanat wa hiyaa kaa-inah" seven times a day has thanked Allah for the past, and he has thanked Allah for the future.

Narrated by: Abu AbdAllah(II) Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of reciting Alh’amdulillaahi a’laa…seven times a day, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/15/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Divine Transcendence: Beyond Substance and Form

On the authority of Hamzah ibn Muhammad, I wrote to Abu al-Hasan al-Kadhim (AS), asking him about the substance and shape of Allah; therefore, he (AS) wrote to me: “Glory to the One who has none like Him, ad who is devoid of both body and image.".

Narrated by: Abu al-Hasan (IV) Imam al-Kadhim (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Mighty and High is Devoid of both Body and Image, Hadith #3

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/6/3

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Angelic Surroundings: The Blessings of Reciting Tasbeeh

Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said, “Recite Sub-h’aanallaahi wal h’amdu lillaahi wa laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar often because this statement will come to you surrounded by angels and will be included among your good deeds.

Narrated by: Abu AbdAllah(II) Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of reciting Tasbeehaat-e-Arba often, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/12/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Attributes of Shi'a

By Allah I swear, the Shia of Ali are only those who abstain from the food and the sexual appetites, work sincerely for the Creator, hope for gaining His reward, and fear from His punishment.

Narrated by: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 12, Ḥadīth #12

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/12/1

Posted By: mufadhal_umar

A Characteristic Due to Which We Are Interested in How Others Judge About Us

“Whoever deals justly with the people will be pleased with how others judge about him.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, Abu Abdullah as Sadiq pbuh said:

Reference: Al-Khisal Book 2, chapter 19

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/19

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Detachment and Restraint

when he was asked, “What is detachment (al-zuhd) from the world?” He said, “[It pertains to] what is forbidden thereof – so restrain yourself from it and shun it.”

Narrated by: ʿAbdullāh ibn Mughīrah narrated from Ismāʿīl ibn Abī Zayd who attributed the statement to Amīr al-Muʾminīn(as)

Reference: Kitāb al-Zuhd, Hadith 132

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/31/2/8/10

Posted By: Ibn Taqi

Fundamental Principles: Divine Unity and Justice.

A man asked Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (AS): Verily, Divine Unity and Divine Justice are the foundations of faith. Since His knowledge is so great, it is not possible for even a wise man to understand it all. So, teach me something that is easy to understand and easy to memorize. He (AS) answered: “As for Divine Unity, do not describe your Lord the way you describe yourself. As for divine justice, do not apply to your Lord any of the shortcomings that you may apply to yourself.

Narrated by: Abu AbdAllah(II) Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Meaning of Divine Unity and Divine Justice, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/5/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Eternal Attributes: The Essence of Allah's Knowledge and Power

On the authority of Abu Baseer, Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (AS) said: Even in His essence, and before anything existed, Allah, our Lord, the High and the Mighty, possessed all knowledge. Even in His essence, and before a sound could be heard, He was all-hearing. Even in His essence, when there was nothing to be seen, He was all-seeing. Even in His essence, when there was no physical existence, He was omnipotent. Although they existed prior to creation, it was only during creation that these attributes manifested themselves: His hearing upon the heard, His seeing upon the seen, and His omnipotence over the physical world. He says: I asked, “Then Allah was not a speaker?” He (AS) replied, “Verily, speech is an accidental [muhdathah] attribute and not sempiternal [azaliyyah]. Allah, the Mighty and High, existed when no speakers existed

Narrated by: Imam Abu `Abd Allah (II) al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, Attributes of Essence and Attributes of Actions, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/11/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Mirrored Gratitude: Blessings for Grateful Reflections

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “The Almighty Allah has decreed Paradise for those youths who look at the mirror and praise Allah much.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad (sawa)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of praising Allah much while looking in the mirror, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/55/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Those who Act without Knowledge

‘Those who work without knowledge they destroy more than what they gain.’

Narrated by: Holy prophet (sws)

Reference: Al Kafi v1 chapter 12 Hadith 3

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/1/2/12

Posted By: abedisofficial

Kinds of people

"People become of three groups: Scholars, students [of knowledge] and scum. We are the scholars, our Shi'a are the students and the rest of the people are scum."

Narrated by: Imam Al’Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Al Kafi v1 chapter 3 Hadith 4

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/1/2/3

Posted By: abedisofficial

Blessings of reciting "Laa ilaaha illallaah Al-Malik Al-Haqqu Al-Mubeen"

Abi Abdillah (a.s.), who said: “If one recites a hundred times 'Laa ilaaha illallaah al-Malik Al-Haqqu Al-Mubeen' (There is no god but Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth, the Manifest), Allah, the Mighty and the Compeller, shall protect him from poverty, dispel his loneliness in his grave, grant him wealth, and open the door to Paradise (for him).

Narrated by: Abi Abdillah Imam Hussain Ibn Ali(AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah al-malik…a hundred times, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/8/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Understanding the Essence of the Needless

Dawud ibn Al Qasim al-Jafri said that I asked Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (AS): “May I be your ransom! What is the meaning of the Needless [al-Samad]?” He (AS) answered, “He is the master on whom all depend in major and minor.

Narrated by: Abu Jafar(I) Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #10

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/4/10

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

World is like a Snake

The example of this world is like a snake, it is soft to the touch yet within it lies a lethal poison. The wise person is cautious of it, yet children are inclined to touch it with their hands

Narrated by: -Imam Jafar(as)

Reference: Kitab Al Zuhd, Hadith 123

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/31/2/8/1

Posted By: Mohammed ibn Taqi

A characteristics due to justice

“Love for the people what you love for yourselves.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, Aba Abdullah as Sadiq pbuh said:

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 18

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/18

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

One Characteristic Is the Key to All Evil

“Anger is the key to all evil.”

Narrated by: Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Mutevakil - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn al-Hussein al-Sa’ed Abady quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Yunus ibn Abdul-Rahman, on the

Reference: Book 2, Chapter 17

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/17

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Abandoning the Present to Attain the Promised

Blessed be the one who abandons the present lust to attain the unseen promised reward.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)

Reference: Kitab Al-Khisal, Hadith 3

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/2

Posted By: ibn taqi

A Believer’s Honor Is in One Characteristic and His Glory Is In Another Characteristic

“A believer’s honor is in night prayers, and his glory is in not bothering the people.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations, on the authority of Abu Abdullah as Sadiq (pbuh) said:

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 16

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/16

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

The Hardest Thing is One Characteristic that Cannot Be Avoided Unless We Abandon Another Characteristic

“The disciples told Jesus - the son of Mary, ‘O Teacher of the good! Teach us what the hardest thing is.’ He (MGB) said, ‘The hardest thing is the Wrath of God the Exalted the Sublime.’ They asked, ‘How can we avoid God’s Wrath?’ He (MGB) said, ‘By not getting angry.’ They asked, ‘What is the root of anger?’ He (MGB) replied, ‘Haughtiness, oppressiveness and belittling the people.’”

Narrated by: (The compiler of the book narrated) that his father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Ali ibn al-Salt quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Aba Abdullah al-Barqy, on the authority of Yunus ibn Abdul-Rahman, on the authority of Abdu

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 15

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/15

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Attributes of Shi'a

He who follows the enemies of Allah will certainly antagonize the disciples of Allah, and whoever antagonizes the disciples of Allah will antagonize Allah Who will incumbently put him in the fire of Hell.

Narrated by: Imam Ali Raza (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 11, Hadith # 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/11/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

Attributes of Shi'a

As for anyone who builds relations with somebody who disregards us, disregards somebody who builds good relations with us, praises somebody who reviles at us, or honors somebody who dissents from us, he is surely not one us and we are surely not from him.

Narrated by: Imam Ali Raza (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 10, Hadith # 1.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/10/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

Attributes of Shi'a

To sit with the evils causes mistrust in the good. To sit with the good attaches the evils to the good. The sinful ones’ sitting with the good ones attaches the sinful ones to the good ones. If you cannot discern the belief of somebody, you should investigate his associates. If they are following the right creed, he will inevitably be on the right creed. If they are not, he then has no share in the religion of Allah. The Prophet ﷺ used to say: He who believes in Allah and the Final Day should not fraternize with any disbeliever or associate with any sinful. He whoever fraternizes with a disbeliever or associates with a sinful one is certainly regarded as disbeliever and sinful.

Narrated by: Amir ul Momineen (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 9, Hadith # 9.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/9/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

Safeguarded by Laa ilaaha illallaah: Conditions and Covenant

When Imam Reza (a.s.) reached Nishapur and intended to go to Mamoon, the narrators of traditions gathered around him and said, “O son of Allah’s Messenger! You are leaving us without having said any tradition, which could benefit us.” Imam (a.s.) was seated in the camel saddle. He put his head out and said, “I heard my father, Musa Ibne Ja’far (a.s.), who says he heard from his father, Ja’far Ibne Muhammad (a.s.), who says he heard from his father, Muhammad Ibne Ali (a.s.), who says he heard from his father, Ali Ibne Husain (a.s.), who says he heard from his father, Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.), who says he heard from his father, Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.), who says he heard from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.), who says he heard from Jibraeel, who says he heard from Almighty Allah that, ‘The statement Laa ilaaha illallaah is My fort. One who enters My fort will remain safe from My punishment.” When they moved on, he loudly said, “There are certain conditions for this. And I am one of these conditions.”

Narrated by: Imam Ali Ar-Reza (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah along with its conditions, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/6/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Profound Nature of the Needlessﷻ: Delving into its Essence

Yunus ibn `Abd al-Rahman, on the authority of al-Rabi` ibn Muslim, said that when asked about the Needless [al-Samad], I heard Abu al-Hasan al-Kadhim (AS) reply: “The Needless is He who has no interior.

Narrated by: Abu al-Hasan Imam al-Kadhim (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #7

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/4/7

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Cleansing Sins: The Profound Impact of Reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah loudly

Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says, “The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, ‘A person who recites Laa ilaaha illallaah loudly is free. He crushes his sins with his feet and destroys them in the same way as dry leaves fall off a tree’.

Narrated by: Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah loudly, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/4/4

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Absolute Oneness of Allah: Insights about Needless

The people of Basra wrote to al-Husayn ibn `Ali (AS), asking him about the Needless [al Samad]; hence, he replied to them: In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Now to our topic: Do not argue about the Qur`an, do not dispute over it, and do not speak about it without knowledge. Verily, I have heard my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (SA), say: “He who interprets the Qur`an without knowledge will occupy a place in Hell.” Verily, Allah, Glory be Him, has explained the meaning of the Needless [al-Samad], that Allah is One. Allah is He on whom all depend. He then clarified it further and said, He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like him. The interpretation of `He begets not’ is that nothing comes out of Him, like a child or a spirit, nor is He subject to slumber, sleep, thought, anxiety, grief, joy, laughter, sadness, fear, hope, attraction, dislike, hunger, or satiation. Exalted is He from giving birth to anything! The interpretation of `Nor is He begotten’ is that He was not born from anything or anyone. He did not originate in another thing, as components originate from other components, as animals originate from other animals, as plants originate from the earth, as water originates from sources, and as fruits originate from trees. He does not depend on anything for His Existence, such as vision depends on the eyes, hearing depends on the ears, scent depends on the nose, taste depends on the mouth, speech depends on the tongue, intellect depends on the heart, and like fire depends on coal, Besides Allah, there is nothing else in Needless. He is neither from a thing, in a thing, nor on a thing. He is the originator and creator of all things. He produces all things through His Omnipotence. He destroys what He creates through His will [mashiyyat] and allows things to exit through His knowledge. Such is Allah, on whom all depend, who begets not, nor is He begotten, the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Great, the Host High, and none is like Him.

Narrated by: Aba Abdillah Imam Al-Hussain ibn Ali (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/4/5

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Power of Intention: Attaining Paradise through Faith

Abi Abdillah (a.s.) said: “A person who recites Laa ilaaha illallaah with pure intention will enter Paradise, and reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah with pure intention implies that he keeps away from that which Allah has prohibited for him.”

Narrated by: Abi Abdillah al-Hussain (AS)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah with sincerity, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/4/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Omnipotent Creator: Insights into the Needless of Almightyﷻ

Wahab ibn Wahab al-Qarashi related that Zayd ibn `Ali Zayn al-`Abidin (AS) said: “When the Needless [al-Samad] intends a thing, He says, `Be!’ and it is. The Needless orginates all things, crates them in contrast, similarity, and pairs. He is unique in oneness, without opposite, similarity, likeness, or equal.”

Narrated by: Hazrat Zayd ibn `Ali Zayn al-`Abidin (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #4

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/4/4

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Worth of a Man!

The worth of every man is in his attainments

Narrated by: -Imam Ali(as)

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, hadith 80

Referred Link: https://alkarbala.org/download.php?file=uploads%2Fuploads%2FNehjulBalagha-English.pdf

Posted By: mohammed ibn taqi

The Attributes of the Needless (Al-Samad) in Islamic Tradition.

Al-Baqir (AS) related: my father Zayn al-`Abidin (AS) said that His father, al-Husayn ibn `Ali (AS), said, “The Needless [al-Samad] is He who has no deficiency [jawf]. He is the possessor of absolute sovereignty. He does not eat or drink. He does not sleep. He is devoid of needs. He does not surrender, and he does not have an end.” Al-Baqir (AS) said: Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah (RA) used to say: “The Needless [alSamad] is He who is Independent and Self-Sufficient {Ghani] from others. Someone other than him said: “The Needless is not subject to events and decline, and changes do not take place in Him.” Al-Baqir (AS) said: “The Needless [al-Samad] is the Obeyed Master who no one commands.” He (AS) said: `Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-`Abidin (AS) was asked about the Needless [alSamad], so he said: “The Needless is devoid of associates. Maintaining things does not tire him, and nothing escapes him.”

Narrated by: Abu Jafar (I) Imam Al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #3

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/4/3

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

A Characteristic for Which the People Deserve to be Rewarded or Punished

“Man’s tongue addresses his other organs everyday and asks them how they are. They reply that ‘we would be fine if you left us alone’. They swear by God and ask it to remember God in regards to them. They say that they get rewarded due to it, and they also get punished due to it.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narrations,on the authority of Ali ibn Hussein (mgb),

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 13

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/13

Posted By: Aspiring Fatimiya

Attributes of Shi'a

To sit with the evils causes mistrust in the good. To sit with the good attaches the evils to the good. The sinful ones’ sitting with the good ones attaches the sinful ones to the good ones. If you cannot discern the belief of somebody, you should investigate his associates. If they are following the right creed, he will inevitably be on the right creed. If they are not, he then has no share in the religion of Allah. The Prophet ﷺ used to say: He who believes in Allah and the Final Day should not fraternize with any disbeliever or associate with any sinful. He whoever fraternizes with a disbeliever or associates with a sinful one is certainly regarded as disbeliever and sinful.

Narrated by: Amir ul Momineen (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 9, Hadith # 9.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/9/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

Attributes of Shi'a

"He whoever says ‘La ilaha illa (A)llah’ –there is no god but Allah- sincerely will be in Paradise. Sincerity, here, means that this saying should prevent him from violating the things that Allah forbids."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 6, Hadith # 6

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/6/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

There Is One True Prosperity And One True Misery

“True prosperity is that man’s deeds result in his prosperity and that true misery is that man’s deeds result in his misery.”

Narrated by: Muhammad ibn Ali Majiluyih - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his uncle Muhammad ibn Abil-Qasim quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Aba Abdullah al-Barqy, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his forefathers, on the authority of

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 12

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/12

Posted By: A Fatimiya

A Characteristic that is the Honor of This World and the Hereafter

“The companionship of religious people is the honor of this world and the Hereafter.”

Narrated by: from chain of narrators, God's prophet (sww) said,

Reference: al-Khisal Book 2, chapter 10

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/10

Posted By: shiiteblood

Fear Him ﷻ

O son of Adam, when you see that your Lord, the Glorified, bestows His favours on you while you are disobeying Him, you should fear Him.

Narrated by: Imam Ali alaihissalam

Reference: Nahjul Balagha chapter 25 saying 25 passage 28

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/32/3/25

Posted By: abedisofficial

Abandoned by close ones

He who is abandoned by near ones is dear to remote ones.

Narrated by: Ameerul’Momineen (AS)

Reference: Nahjul Balagha chapter 14 saying 14 passage 15

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/32/3/14

Posted By: abedisofficial

One characteristics for five characteristics

“I swear by My Honor, Beauty, Magnificence, Loftiness that I shall make anyone needless who chooses Me over his selfish desires. I will make him attend to the affairs of his Hereafter. I will protect him from getting ruined. I will establish the heavens and the Earth as guarantees for his share of daily bread. Moreover, I will be far superior to the business of all the businessmen for him.”

Narrated by: From the chain of narration Abu Ja’far al-Baqir (MGB) narrated that God the Exalted the Sublime says,

Reference: Al-Khisal, Book 2, chapter 5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/5

Posted By: Shiiteblood

The Promise of Tooba: The Virtue of Reciting 'Laa ilaaha illallaah Wah'dahu

Abi Ja’far (a.s.) who said: Jibrail (a.s.) came to the Messenger of Allah (sawa) and said: ‘If a person of your Ummah recites Laa ilaaha illallaah Wah’dahu Wah’dahu Wah’dahu he will have Tooba (good fortune).

Narrated by: Abu Jafar(I) Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl, Reward of reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah Wah’dahu Wah’dahu Wah’dahu, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/3/1

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Divine Revelation: Imam Ali's Encounter with Al-Khidr and the Power of Divine Unity

The Commander of the Faithful (a.s) said: I saw al-Khidr (a.s) in a dream the night before the Battle of Badr. I asked him: “Teach me something that will make me victorious over my enemies.” Consequently, he replied: “Say: O He! O One! There is no one but He!” When I got up in the morning I related this to the Messenger of Allah (s.a), so he (s.a) said to me: `O `Ali, you have been taught the greatest name (al-ism al-a`zam].” Hence, it was on my tongue on the day of the battle of Badr. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s) read “The Chapter of Divine Unity,” and when he finished he said: “O He! O One! There is no one but He! Forgive me, and help me against the unbelievers.” `Ali (a.s) used to say this in the Battle of Siffin while he was giving chase (to the enemies), so `Ammar ibn Yasir asked him: “O Commander of the Faithful! What is the meaning of this expression?” He (a.s) answered: “It is the greatest name of Allah. It is the main pillar of Divine Unity: there is not god but He.” Then he (a.s) read: Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the Angels and those possessed of knowledge, maintaining His Creation with justice; there is no god but He, the Mighty and the Wise, and the last verse of the chapter “The Banishment” [al-Hashr]. Then he dismounted (his horse) and prayed four units [rak`at] of prayer before noon[zawwal]. Al-Baqir (a.s) said: The Commander of the Faithful (a.s) said: “The meaning of Allah is `the One who is worshipped’ and `the One who taken and served as God.’ Allah is Hidden from the grasp of vision, and concealed from both imagination and thought.” Al-Baqir (a.s) said: The meaning of Allah is `the One who is worshiped.’ Creation cannot grasp His Essence or understand His Nature. The Arabs say “he is overwhelmed’ when someone is amzed with something which his knowledge does not comprehend. And they also say “he is confused” when someone is frightened of something. Therefore, God [ilah] is hidden from the sensory perception of the created. Al-Baqir (a.s) said: The Alone [Ahad], the Peerless [Fard], the Unique. The One [Wahid], and the Alone [Ahad] have the same meaning that the Unique who has no like. Divine Unity is the affirmation of the Absolute Unity of Allah. For this reason they say: The first of numbers is one, but the One is not a number because numbers do not apply to Him. As they only apply to two and above. Therefore, the meaning of His Word: Allah is One is that the worshipped One cannot be perceived by His Creation. The encompassment of His existence is exclusive to Himself. He is far above the attributes of His Creation.

Narrated by: Abul-Hasan (I) Imam Ali (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #2 https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/14/2/4/2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

No Two Things Combined which are Better than the Combination of Two Characteristics

“No two things have been combined together better than knowledge and patience.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, God's Prophet (sww) said,

Reference: Al-Khisal

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/10/2/9

Posted By: Shiiteblood

Interpretation of Surah Al-Ikhlas: Understanding the Essence of "Oneness of Allah"

Imam Muhammad ibn `Ali al-Baqir (a.s) was asked to interpret the Word of Allah, the Blessed and the Exalted: Say: He Allah is One. Therefore, He (a.s) said: Say [qul] means relate to the people what we have revealed to you, and informed you about, regarding the meaning of the letters we have recited to you, so that you may guide those who listen and bear witness. The verse in question is a metonymical expression indication to the unseen One [gha`ib]. The letter [ha’] (in[huwa]) means motionless. The (letter) [waw] means unperceivable by the sense just like the word `this’ [hadha] means witnessed by means of the sense. This is because the unbelievers described their gods by means of perception. Hence, they would say: These are our gods who are sensed and perceived by the eyes. Therefore, O Muhammad, point to your God that you call pon so that we see Him, perceive Him, and be amazed by Him. Thus, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, revealed: Say He Allah is One. Therefore, the [ha] referes to the Motionless while the [waw] refers to the One who is Above Sensual Perception. In fact, He is the creator of the Senses, and He perceives all vision.

Narrated by: Abu Jafar(I), Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd Book 2, Chapter 4 The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Heavenly Rewards for Reciting "Laa ilaaha illallaah" and "Astaghfirullah"

Salim b. Ghanim from Abi Abdillah (a.s) who said: “Allah builds a house in Paradise for one who recites Laa ilaaha illallaah a hundred times before going to bed. And the sins of one who recites Astaghfirullah a hundred times before going to bed are destroyed in the same way as dry leaves fall off from a tree.”

Narrated by: Aba Abdillah al-Hussain Ibn Ali (a.s)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl Book 2, Chapter 2, Hadith#2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/23

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Attributes of Shi'a

"He whoever says ‘La ilaha illa (A)llah’ –there is no god but Allah- sincerely will be in Paradise. Sincerity, here, means that this saying should prevent him from violating the things that Allah forbids."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 6, Hadith # 6

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/6/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

The loftiest characteristic of the religion

“God loves the loftiness of knowledge more than the loftiness of worshipping Him. Moreover, the loftiest characteristic in your religion is piety.”

Narrated by: From chain of narrations, Prophet's Messenger (sww) Said,

Reference: Al-Khisal

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/10/2/8/1

Posted By: Shiiteblood

Attributes of Shi'a

"He who antagonizes our Shia is antagonizing us and whoever follows them is following us, because they are part of us. They were created from the same clay from which we were created. He who loves them is one of us, and whoever hates them is not with us. Our Shia see through the light of Allah, move about in the mercy of Allah, and will win the dignity of Allah. We feel the same pains that any of our Shia feels during ailment, we become grieved whenever any of our Shia becomes grieved, and we feel happy whenever any of our Shia feels happy. No one of our Shia can be out of our auspices, whether he was in the east or the west of the earth. The debt that is left by any of our Shia is in our responsibility while the estate is his heirs’. Our Shia are those who offer the prayers, defray the zakat, perform the hajj to the Holy House of Allah, fast during the month of Ramadan, declare their loyalty to the Prophet’s household, and declare their disavowal of the enemies of the Prophet’s household. Those are the people of faith, God-fearing, piety, and devoutness. He whoever rejects them is rejecting Allah, because they are the true servants and the genuine disciples of Allah. By Allah I swear, each individual of them will be granted (on the Day of Resurrection) the right to intercede for people as many as the individuals of the tribes of Rabeea and Madhar, out of Allah’s honor to them."

Narrated by: Imam Ali Raza (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 5, Hadith # 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/5/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

Attributes of Shi'a

"He who claims being one of our Shia while he is clinging to the handle of somebody else is surely telling a lie."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 4, Hadith # 1.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/4/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

The Profound Impact of "There is no God except Allah" on the Departed and the Living

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Prompt your departed ones to say: ‘There is no god except Allah’ for it erases the sins. So they asked: O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.), what if one recites this when one is healthy (alive)? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, “This (utterance) destroys the sins and finishes them off in any condition. Indeed “There is no God except Allah” is a friend and helper of man in life in death and in raising after death. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) also said: Jibraeel said: O Muhammad! You shall see them when they are raised with shining countenances those who used to chant: There is no God except Allah and Allah is the greatest.” And those shall be black faced who used to say: “Woe be to you, you are ruined!

Narrated by: The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.)

Reference: Thawāb - al-A‘māl wa ‘iqāb - al-A‘māl, Rewards, Reward for saying: There is no God except Allah (Laa ilaaha illallaah), Hadith #3

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/23

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Interpretation of Surah Al-Ikhlas: Understanding the Oneness of Allah (swt)

Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq Ja`far ibn Muhammad (AS) that his father Muhammad ibn `Ali al-Baqir (AS) was asked to interpret the Word of Allah, the Blessed and the Exalted: Say: He Allah is One. Therefore, He (AS) said: Say [qul] means relate to the people what we have revealed to you, and informed you about, regarding the meaning of the letters we have recited to you, so that you may guide those who listen and bear witness. The verse in question is a metonymical expression indication to the unseen One [gha`ib]. The letter [ha’] (in[huwa]) means motionless. The (letter) [waw] means unperceivable by the sense just like the word `this’ [hadha] means witnessed by means of the sense. This is because the unbelievers described their gods by means of perception. Hence, they would say: These are our gods who are sensed and perceived by the eyes. Therefore, O Muhammad, point to your God that you call pon so that we see Him, perceive Him, and be amazed by Him. Thus, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, revealed: Say He Allah is One. Therefore, the [ha] referes to the Motionless while the [waw] refers to the One who is Above Sensual Perception. In fact, He is the creator of the Senses, and He perceives all vision.

Narrated by: Imam Muhammad ibn `Ali al-Baqir (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, Content, The Commentary of Chapter 112 the Unity [al-Tawhid], Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Attributes of Shi'a

"He who claims being one of our Shia while he is clinging to the handle of somebody else is surely telling a lie."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 4, Hadith # 1.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/4/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

The Essence of Divine Unity: Understanding "The One"

On the authority of Abu Hashim al-Ja`fari that I asked Abu `Jafar the Second (AS), “What is the meaning of the One?” He answered, “He is the One whose Divine Unity [al-Tawhid] is profess by all. As Allah, the Mighty and High, says: And if you as them, Who created the Heavens and the Earth, they will certainly say, Allah.

Narrated by: Abu Jafar II, Imam Muhammad Taqi (as)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

The Gateway to Paradise: The Power of sincerely Reciting "Laa ilaaha illallaah"

A person who recites Laa ilaaha illallaah with pure intention will enter Paradise and reciting Laa ilaaha illallaah with pure intention implies that he keeps away from that, which Allah has prohibited for him.

Narrated by: Abi Abdillah al-Hussain (a.s.)

Reference: Thawāb - al-A‘māl wa ‘iqāb - al-A‘māl

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/23

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Attributes of Shi'a

"The religion of those who deny taqiyah is null and the faith of those who lack piety is null, too."

Narrated by: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 3, Hadith # 1.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/3/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

The Divine Scale: The Supremacy of "Laa ilaaha illallaah" in the Words of the Prophet

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Allah, the Mighty and Sublime told Musa Ibne Imran: O Musa If the seven heavens and the seven earths and whatever is between them are placed on one side of the balance and on the other side “Laa ilaaha illallaah”, the latter shall be found heavier.

Narrated by: The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.)

Reference: Thawāb - al-A‘māl wa ‘iqāb - al-A‘māl

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/23

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Attributes of Shi'a

"Our (true) Shia are those who submit to our orders, carry out our directives, and dissent from our enemies. He who is not as such is not one of us."

Narrated by: Imam Ali Raza (as)

Reference: Ṣifāt al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 2, Hadith # 1.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/2/1

Posted By: mufadhl_umar

The Severity of a Believer’s Afflictions

“If a believer knew what reward lies for him in suffering tribulations, he would wish he could be cut into pieces with a scissor.”

Narrated by: Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s):

Reference: Kitāb al-Muʾmin Book 1, Chapter 1, Hadith # 3.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/30/1/1/3

Posted By: mufadhal_umar

Sweetness and bitterness

'Bitterness of the world is sweetness of the Hereafter, and sweetness of the world is bitterness of the Hereafter"

Narrated by: Imam Ali (AS)

Reference: Nahj Al Balagah - Saying 251 p655

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/NahjAlBalagha.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Wild Animal

'The tongue is a wild animal. If you loosen it, it will bite"

Narrated by: Imam Ali alaihissalam

Reference: 380 Nahj Al Balagah - Saying 60

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/NahjAlBalagha.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Three great sins

"Three sins lead to immediate punishment and are not deferred till hereafter:- incurring displeasure of the parents, tyranny over the people, and denying the divine bounties (by abusing them)."

Narrated by: The Prophet saww

Reference: Al Amali chapter 30 p170

Referred Link: https://shiapdfresources.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/sheikh-al-mufeed-al-amali.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

No act with taqwa is small

"Any act performed with taqwa is not little. How can that which is accepted by Allah be called little?"

Narrated by: Ameerul’Momineen (AS)

Reference: Al Amali chapter 25 Hadith 24 p138

Referred Link: https://shiapdfresources.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/sheikh-al-mufeed-al-amali.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Believers are all brothers

"The believers are all brothers; each one fulfilling the needs of the other. And because they help each other when in need, Allah will fulfill their needs on the Day of Judgement."

Narrated by: The Holy Prophet (ﷺ)

Reference: Al Amali chapter 20 p108

Referred Link: https://shiapdfresources.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/sheikh-al-mufeed-al-amali.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Prophet’s Love for four companions; which ones?

"Surely, Allah has commanded me to love four of my companions; and has revealed to me that He indeed loves them." We said: "Who are they, O messenger of Allah? And there is none from us who does not wish to be among them." He, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Be it known that Ali (AS) is among them" - and he repeated this three times - "and al-Miqdad and Abu Dharr al-Ghifari and Salman al-Farsi."

Narrated by: The Holy Prophet (ﷺ)

Reference: Al Amali chapter 17 p89-90

Referred Link: https://shiapdfresources.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/sheikh-al-mufeed-al-amali.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

You must write down Hadith

'You must write down (Hadith) and spread your knowledge among your brethren. If you will die your children will inherit your books. A time will come when people will face chaos and they will find no comfort but with their books.'"

Narrated by: Aba’Abdillah (AS)

Reference: Al Kafi p101

Referred Link: https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Al-Kafi.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial


"If you would hear good things about a man, you should examine how good his intelligence is, because he will be rewarded according to his intelligence."

Narrated by: The Holy Prophet (ﷺ)

Reference: Al Kafi p37

Referred Link: https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Al-Kafi.pdf

Posted By: https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Al-Kafi.pdf

Understanding of Religion

"If I would see a young person of the Shia who would not acquire proper understanding of religion I would discipline him strictly even if it would take me to make him suffer pains."

Narrated by: Imam Muhammad Al’Baqir as

Reference: Al Kafi p12

Referred Link: https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Al-Kafi.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Laughter Today, Tears Tomorrow

There are many who laugh having fun, but will cry a lot on the Resurrection Day. There are many who cry due to fear for the sins they have committed, and will be laughing a lot on the Resurrection Day and in Paradise.

Narrated by: -Imam Jafar(as)

Reference: ʿUyūn akhbār al-Riḍā - Volume 1, Hadith 301

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/11/2/30/6

Posted By: Alkarbala

Keys to Blessings

Blessed is the person who kept in mind the next life, acted so as to be able to render account, remained content with what sufficed him and remained pleased with Allāh.

Narrated by: -Imam Ali(as)

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, Hadith 44

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/32/3/44/58

Posted By: Alkarbala

Good and Evil

Woe be to the one who enjoins evil and forbids good.

Narrated by: -Imam Jafar(as)

Reference: Kitāb al-Zuhd Book 2, H 290

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/31/2/20/4

Posted By: Alkarbala

Weeping Over Sins

Blessed is he whom Allah finds weeping because of his sins, trembling in awe of Allah; weeping over the sins about which no one knows except himself.

Narrated by: -Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Al-Amālī Book 8, H 82

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/13/8/2/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Mahdi (a.s) will rise after a time of trials & tribulations

O Abu Khalid, there will come a time of trials and tribulations, (descending) like a piece of dark night, from which no one will be safe, except the one holding the covenant of Allah. These people will be the guiding lights and the sources of knowledge, whom Allah will have saved from all the dark temptations. As if I see your master, rising above the hill of your Najaf destined for Kufa, with three hundred and some odd over ten men, Jibraeel on his right, Mikaeel on his left, Israfil ahead of him, and with him (is) the Prophet’s standard, unfurled, to whichever people he aims with it, they are destroyed by Allah.

Narrated by: Imam Sajjad

Reference: Al-Amālī Book 6, H 56

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/13/6/5/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Quranic Verses: Open Treasures

Verses of the Holy Quran are treasures, whenever a treasure is opened you should look into it.

Narrated by: -Imam Sajjad(as)

Reference: Al-Kāfi - Volume 2, H 2050

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/2/3/5/2

Posted By: Alkarbala

Daily Quranic Commitment

The Holy Quran is a covenant of Allah with His creatures. A Muslim must look at his covenant and read fifty verses every day.

Narrated by: Imam Hussain(as)

Reference: Al-Kāfi - Volume 2, H 2049

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/2/3/5/1

Posted By: Alkarbala


'It is an Eid for the one whom Allah has Accepted his fasts, and Appreciated his standing (in Salat), and every day in which we do not disobey Allah, to it is a day of Eid".

Narrated by: Imam 'Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws

Reference: 747 Nahj Al Balagah - Saying 427

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/NahjAlBalagha.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Watch your words

'The person is hidden beneath his tongue".

Narrated by: Imam Ali alaihissalam

Reference: 467 Nahj Al Balagah - Saying 147

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/NahjAlBalagha.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Protect your Emaan

'Protect your Eman by the charity, and fortify your wealth with the Zakaat, and push back the afflictions by the supplications".

Narrated by: Imam Ali (as)

Reference: 463 Nahj Al Balagah - Saying 143

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/NahjAlBalagha.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial


I’m surprised at the one who forgets the death while he is seeing the one dying!

Narrated by: Imam Ali alaihissalam

Reference: 111 Nahj Al Balagah - Saying 124

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/NahjAlBalagha.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Useful deeds of Momin when he dies

'When the Momin dies, his deeds are cut off except from three - A flowing charity, or a knowledge (other people) are benefitting with it, or a righteous son supplicating for him".

Narrated by: The Prophet saww

Reference: 65 Bihar Al-Anwaar - V 2, The book of intellect, and the knowledge, and the ignorance, S 2 Ch 8 H 65

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/BiharAlAnwaar/BiharAlAnwaar_V2.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Teach your children

'Teach your children what Allah would Benefit them with (so that) the Murjlites will not overcome upon them by their opinions".

Narrated by: Imam Ali as

Reference: 38 Bihar Al-Anwaar - V 2, The book of intellect, and the knowledge, and the ignorance, S 2 Ch 8 H 38

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/BiharAlAnwaar/BiharAlAnwaar_V2.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

The Severity of a Believer’s Afflictions

“If a believer knew what reward lies for him in suffering tribulations, he would wish he could be cut into pieces with a scissor.”

Narrated by: Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s):

Reference: Kitāb al-Muʾmin Book 1, Chapter 1, Hadith # 3.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/30/1/1/3

Posted By: mufadhal_umar

Portrait of the Devoted Shia

O Abu al-Miqdam, the Shia of Ali (a.s) are only the pale, the thin, and the feeble. Their lips are faded because of worship and their stomachs are atrophied. Their colors are pale and they are white-faced. When night comes upon them, they betake the ground as their bed and the direction of their foreheads. Their eyes are teary, their teardrops are heavy, and their prayers are very much. They recite the Book of Allah. When people are happy, they are grieved.

Narrated by: Imam Al Baqir(as)

Reference: Sifat Al shia, Hadith 19

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/26/1/19/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Reward of Taaqibaat-e-Salaat

One who recites Taaqibaat after Maghrib prayer and offers two rakat prayer without having spoken to anyone it would be written in Illiyeen and if he offers a four rakat prayer it would be counted as a pure Hajj.

Narrated by: -Imam jafar(as)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl Book 2, Chapter 116, H2

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/116/2

Posted By: Alkarbala

Reward of Sajdah-e-Shukr

One who prostrates for thanking for the bounties apart from Salaat, Allah writes for him ten rewards, erases ten of his sins and increase his position by ten levels in Paradise.

Narrated by: Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl Book 2, Chapter 89, H1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/89/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Reward of going to a mosque

Know that those who visit mosque in darkness will get bright eyesight and glad-tidings on the Day of Judgment.

Narrated by: -Imam jafar(as)

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl Book 2, Chapter 60, H1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/60/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

A deed performed with Taqwa

A deed when performed with Taqwa (i.e. being mindful of one’s duties towards Allah, and guarding oneself from sins for the fear of Allah) is not (of) less (importance). And how can that be less which has been accepted (by Allah)?

Narrated by: Ameer ul Momineen(as)

Reference: Al-Amālī Book 4, Chapter 2, H1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/13/4/2/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Adam, Noah, Ibrahim & ‘Ali

Once when the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, was sitting with a group of his companions, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib approached near him. Then the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Whoever wishes to look at Adam in his image and nobility, at Noah in his wisdom, at Ibrahim in his forbearance, he should look at ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Al-Amālī Book 2, Chapter 3, H1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/13/2/3/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Shia's Radiant Recognition

On the Day of Resurrection, some people dressing clothes of light with luminous faces whom will be identified by the signs of prostration will come. They will overstep the rows until they stand in front of the Lord of the worlds. The prophets, angels, shahids, and righteous people will envy them." Omar bin al-Khattab asked: "O Allah’s Messenger, who are they whom the prophets, angels, shahids, and righteous men will envy?" The Prophet (s) answered: "They will be our Shia, and Ali will be their imam.

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

Reference: Faḍaʾil al-Shīʿa Book 1, H26

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/25/1/26/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Example of this world

‘The example of this world is like a snake, it is soft to the touch yet within it lies a lethal poison. The wise person is cautious of it, yet children are inclined to touch it with their hands.

Narrated by: -Imam Jafar(as)

Reference: kitab al zuhd, book 2, ch 8, h1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/31/2/8/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

The Hypocrisy of Double-Faced Deceit

The worst servant [of Allah] is he who possesses a doubleface and a forked-tongue, he compliments his brother in his presence yet backbites him in his absence. When he is given, he envies him and when he is wronged, he abandons him.

Narrated by: -Imam al-Bāqir or al-Ṣādiq

Reference: Kitāb al-Zuhd Book 2, Chapter 1, hadith 5

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/31/2/1/5

Posted By: Alkarbala

The Importance of Daytime Piety: Lessons from Salman al-Farsi and the Commander of the Faithful

A man came to Salman al-Farisi (may Allah have mercy on him), and said: “O Abu Abd Allah! I am deprived of performing my nightly prayers.” Salman replied: “Then do not disobey Allah during the day. A man came to the Commander of the Faithful (AS) and said: O Commander of the Faithful! I am deprived of my nightly prayers.” The Commander of the Faithful replied to him, “You are enslaved by your sins."

Narrated by: Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Knowledge is better than wealth

O Kumayl, knowledge is better than wealth. Knowledge guards you, while you have to guard the wealth. Wealth decreases by spending, while knowledge multiplies by spending, and the results of wealth die as wealth decays. O Kumayl, knowledge is belief which is acted upon. With it man acquires obedience during his life and a good name after his death. Knowledge is the ruler while wealth is ruled upon.

Narrated by: Imam Ali alaihissalam

Reference: Nahjul Balagha Hadith 146

Referred Link:

Posted By: abedisofficial

The Indescribable Majesty: Reflections from Imam Al-Hasan ibn Ali (AS) on the Nature of Allah

A man came to al-Hasan ibn Ali (AS) and said to him: “O son of the Messenger of Allah! Describe your Lord to me so that I can understand Him better.” Therefore, al-Hasan ibn Ali (AS) bowed his head in silence for quite a while, before lifting it up and saying: All praise is for Allah, who has no beginning, nor end. He neither has a face through which He may be perceived, nor a back that He may be restricted. He cannot be limited with (the word) till what,’ nor with an appearance so that He may have parts. He cannot be described with variation so that He may have an extent. He can neither be perceived by intellects and imaginations, nor by thoughts and concepts. Reason and intellect cannot describe Him by means of the questions: when,’ from what did He begin,’ on what’ does He reveal or in what’ does He conceal? We cannot say `why not’ as He does not shun (His Creation). He created the creations; therefore, He was Original and unprecedented. He originated what He unprecedented and unprecedented what He originated. He did what He intended, and intended what He extended. Such is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

Narrated by: Imam Al-Hasan ibn Ali (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali


The intellect of the women is in their beauty, and the beauty of the men is in their intellect.

Narrated by: Imam 'Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws

Reference: Bihar Al-Anwaar - V 1, The book of intellect, and the knowledge, and the ignorance, S 1 S 1Ch 1 H

Referred Link: https://hubeali.com/books/English-Books/BiharAlAnwaar/BiharAlAnwaar_V1.pdf

Posted By: abedisofficial

Merits of Shi'a

Allah said: I will punish every Muslim group who recognized the leadership of any unjust ruler whom I do not select, even if the individuals of such a group are pious and God-fearing. I, likewise, will forgive every Muslim group that recognized (only) the leadership of the just imams whom I appointed, even if the individuals of such a group wrong (themselves) and commit bad deeds.

Narrated by: The Prophet (s) said:

Reference: Faḍaʾil al-Shīʿa Book 1, Chapter 12, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/25/1/12/1

Posted By: mufadhal_umar

Reward for Hajj and Umrah

“When a Hajj pilgrim enters Mecca, Allah allots two angels for protecting him during circumambulation, Salaat and Saee. When he halts in Arafah, he is patted on his right shoulder and told, ‘Your past sins are forgiven. See how you spend your future life’.”

Narrated by: Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s):

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl Book 2, Chapter #118, Hadith #6.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/118/6

Posted By: mufadhal_umar

Reward for Hajj and Umrah

Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s) narrates that Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s) said, “Perform Hajj and Umrah so that your bodies remain healthy, earnings increase, your faith strengthens and the expenses of people and your family members are met through it.”

Narrated by: حَدَّثَنِی مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ قَالَ حَدَّثَنِی مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ الصَّفَّارُ قَالَ حَدَّثَنِی مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْحُسَیْنِ بْنِ أَبِی الْخَطَّابِ عَنْ عَلِیِّ بْنِ أَسْبَاطٍ رَفَعَهُ إِلَی أَبِی عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ کَانَ عَلِیُّ بْنُ الْحُسَ

Reference: Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿiqāb al-Aʿmāl Book 2, Chapter #118, Hadith #3.

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/23/2/118/3

Posted By: mufadhal_umar

Divine Omniscience Across Eternity: Wisdom from Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (AS)

On the authority of Hammad ibn `Isa that I asked Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (AS): “Does Allah know everything from sempiternity?”He (AS) replied, “What was He to know when there was nothing to be known?” He says, I asked, “Does Allah hear from sempiternity?” He (AS) answered, “Who was He to hear when there was nothing to be heard?” He says, and I asked, “Does Allah see from sempiternity?” He (AS) responded, “Who was He to see when there was nothing to be seen?” Then he (AS) said: “Allah has always been All-knowing, All-Hearing, All-Seeing, sempiternally, and the Possessor of the Knowledge of Hearing and Seeing.

Narrated by: Imam Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Divine Creation and Uniqueness: Insights from Ali Zayn al-`Abidin (AS)

Wahab ibn Wahab al-Qarashi related that Zayd ibn `Ali Zayn al-`Abidin (AS) said: “When the Needless [al-Samad] intends a thing, He says: `Be!’ and it is. The Needless originates all thing, crates them in contrast, similarity, and pairs. He is Unique in Oneness, without opposite, similarity, likeness, or equal.”

Narrated by: Ali Zayn al-`Abidin (AS)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Reward for the Monotheists and Gnostics

Hadith #8: "Two events are inevitable: 1) The entry into Heaven of the person of the person who died witnessing that there is no god but Allah, and 2)The entry into Hell-fire of the person who died associating partners with Allah."

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad (sawa)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Mazhar Ali

Reward for the Monotheists and Gnostics

The Messenger of Allah (SA) said: “Neither I nor anyone before me has said anything like: `There is no god but Allah’ [La ilaha illa Allah].”

Narrated by: Prophet of Islam (Sawa)

Reference: Al-Tawḥīd, Hadith #1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/book/14

Posted By: Ali

Pious Devotion

Our Shia are the people of piety and diligence, loyalty and honesty, and asceticism and worship. They perform fifty-one rak’as in a single day and night. They pass their nights with worship and their days with fasting. They defray the zakat from their wealth, perform the hajj, and refrain from committing any forbidden thing.

Narrated by: -Imam Jafar

Reference: Sifat al shia by Shaykh Muḥammad b. ʿAlī al-Ṣaduq, hadith 1

Referred Link: https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/26/1/1

Posted By: Alkarbala

Dual Realities

Certainly, this world and the next are two enemies against each other and two paths in different directions. Whoever likes this world and loves it hates the next arid is its enemy. These two are like East and West. If the walker between them gets near to one, he gets farther from the other. After all, they are like two fellow-wives.Imam Ali(as),

Narrated by: Imam Ali(as)

Reference: Nahjul Balagha, hadith 103

Referred Link: N/A

Posted By: Alkarbala

Golden Era

Narrated to us a group of scholars from Talakbari from Ali bin Habashi from Ja’far bin Malik from Ahmad bin Abi Naeem Ibrahim bin Salih from Muhammad bin Ghazal from Mufaddal bin Umar that he said: I heard His Eminence, Abu Abdullah Sadiq (a.s) say:
“When the Qaim (a.s) arises, the earth would light up with the luminescence of its Lord and the people would become needless of sunlight. In his rule, all will have such long lifespans that each person will beget a thousand sons. Daughters will not be born to them. He will build a mosque on the outskirts of Kufa, which will have a thousand doors and the houses of Kufa will be connected to the river of Kerbala. So wide would habitation spread that if a person travels on a mule to pray the Friday Prayer, he will not be able to reach in time.”

ref: Kitāb al-Ghayba by Abu-Ja'far Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi, hadith 484

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